It’s vital that you take good care of your home, otherwise, you’ll end up spending all of your money on expensive repairs. One of the biggest dangers for any homeowner is water damage. If it gets too bad you’ll get problems with mold, and even structural damage in some cases, and that’s going to cost you a lot to fix. But if you keep on top of things and make yourself aware of how these problems can happen in the first place, you can avoid any major damage. These are some of the major causes of water damage that you need to look out for.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”Etz9O” via=”yes” ]One of the biggest dangers for any homeowner is water damage. If it gets too bad you’ll get problems with mold, and even structural damage. Here are 4 appliances that cause water damage to keep an eye on.[/ctt]
Damaged Boiler
If your boiler goes wrong you’re in big trouble. You won’t have any hot water or heating and your house could sustain serious water damage if there is a leak. If your boiler packs up, you’ll have to get in touch with an emergency plumber like the ones at to come and fix it right away. There’s no way you can just leave it. To avoid that, it’s important that you get a regular boiler service. The plumber will be able to tell you if there is anything you can be concerned about and make smaller repairs to keep the boiler in good health and avoid any disasters in future.
Air Conditioner
An air conditioner removes a lot of moisture from the air which can cause you a lot of problems if it isn’t working properly. Even if it seems to be in good working order, there could still be an issue. If all of that moisture from the air starts to build up inside the air conditioner, it’ll leak out into the surrounding walls and floors. You often won’t realize this is happening until it starts to cause some serious problems. It’s a good idea to take the cover off from time to time and check that there’s no water building up in there. Visit for a quick video guide on taking it apart for maintenance. You should also get a professional service done once a year to prevent any problems with it.
Your dishwasher makes life so much easier for you, until it breaks that is. If it isn’t sealed properly, water will start leaking out and damage your home. If you’re lucky, it’ll leak from the front and you’ll notice the problem right away. But sometimes, the leak will be in the back of the dishwasher and you might not be able to tell it’s leaking until water starts coming through the wall. That’s why it’s vital that you always check the seals around the dishwasher every couple of months and have a regular service done. You should try not to use it excessively as well.
Clogged Drains
Clogged drains are a particular issue because, not only are they bringing water into the house, they’re bringing up everything that was in the drain as well. That makes it far more likely to start turning into mold and damp. You’ve got to be careful what you’re pouring down the sink, if you fill it up with lots of food residue and grease, it’ll quickly clog up.
These appliances can easily cause water damage around the home so you’ve always got to keep your eye on them.
This is a contributed post.
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