Never have time to date because you always have the kids? Why not take the kids on your date instead? You can meet at a place the children will enjoy and get to know each other a bit at the same time. After all, if he/she is the right one and has children as well, the kids will still very much be in the picture for quite a while, right? Here are some great dating ideas in Fife for single parents to do with their children.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”jofUa” via=”yes” ]If you are looking to meet and get to know another single parent, why not meet at a place the children will enjoy and get to know each other a bit at the same time? Here are some great dating ideas in Fife for single parents to do with their children.[/ctt]
4 Great Dating Ideas in Fife for Single Parents
Picnic at a Playground
There are some great places to have a picnic and play in Fife. When setting up this date, be sure you both bring items for the meal, the picnic blanket, plates, napkins, a way to wash hands before eating, etc. Don't be nervous, treat it like any play date you would normally set up for the children (where you always ask if there are any food allergies) and move forward. On the date, plan to have the children play while you talk for the first half of your time together, then wash hands, setup and eat.
Golf or Mini Golf
Dating in Fife is so easy with all the golf courses around! Golfing is a great way to get to know one another. Businesses have been taking clients golfing for years to take the time to listen to their client's needs to better provide services for them or for a client to see if the provider will be a good fit for their business. Why not golf on a date? Depending on the age of your children, you could either mini golf at a fun place in Fife or reserve a time slot to golf at a larger golf course.
Go to a Local Farm
Treat your date like a field trip and get out to a local farm to see what farm life is like, pet some animals and even eat some farm food together. Most farms are open rain or shine. It is a great way to educate the children and have a relaxing, no pressure time together while doing some Fife dating with the kids along. Some farms will allow you to bring your dog along as well if you would like to get your dog's opinion or to see if he/she is a dog lover.
Visit a Museum
Plan to go to the museum when the children's programs are scheduled to go on. You may have a chance to chat while the kids are busy with an activity. It is a great way to do something out of the ordinary and brilliant and still have the kids in tow. If it works out, won't it be fun to tell people your first date was at a museum?
Are you not sure where to find Fife singles? There are many dating sites on the internet you can check out and don't worry, you will be meeting in a public place with his/her children along too. So you should be perfectly safe.
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I have a terrible dating track history and I have currently given up on dating. I just don’t attract ‘normal’ guys, which maybe suggests I’m crazy lol! My experience of online dating though, is it can be quite flaky. And it’s hard deciphering whether they are serious or just looking for fun. Awesome post!