If you are like most people building a career for themselves while balancing a good family life, the car is probably the place that you spend most of your time in, after your home and your office. The less cluttered a car is, the more comfortable it will be. The general rule when it trying to keep your car organized is putting away anything that is in the wrong spot.
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5 Tips to Keep Your Car Organized All Year Long
You want to start by completely emptying each interior console so you can put in different organizing systems for each. Start with the entryway first, the side consoles—they get the bulk of unnecessary items or stuff that don’t belong in the car most of the time. You’ll probably find the gum you’ve been looking for months in there somewhere.
Crumbs that have taken up permanent residence on the side linings of your car seats and floor mats also have to go. Food residue does not belong in the car. Same goes for grime on the edges of your windows or dust on your dashboard. Wipe them with all-purpose sprays, and vacuum-clean the surface to prep them for organization.
After taking everything that doesn’t belong in there and cleaning out the dirt, here are a few tips that you can start with to keep your car organized all year long.
Receipt and Coupon Bags
The middle console that you have right after the gear lever is probably filled with parking tickets right now or other pieces of paper all bundled up in the mix. That’s the usual spot where your cup or water bottle holders are supposed to be.
You want to make sure that these are free from trash or parking quarters so you can actually use them for the purpose they’re intended. You’ll get in trouble later on when you need to find a specific receipt or coupon but have no way of doing it efficiently while you’re on the go
It’s best to keep some little zipper storage bags to separate your coupons, membership freebies, and your shopping receipts. Since receipts may end up being used more often for returns later on, keep that zippered pouch in the side-door console, for easy access. If you have room, it could go in the middle console or in the glove box, where you usually keep your registration, insurance papers, or car manuals.
Cord Organizers
Dangling cords are eye sores wherever you may be. But you can’t leave your cables at home as they are lifelines for your gadgets.
Choose the charging accessory and cable organizer roll-up bag that can fit your phone charger, flash disks, USB, and other electronic accessories. A cord roll-up is one of the most reliable organizers available today. It locks everything up in one place and neatly piles up each cord without taking up too much space in your car. You can also use the same in your office or at home so you don’t have to keep transferring from one pack to another every time you use them.
Car Cup Inserts for Your Cup Holders
You can get car cup inserts. They usually come in different sizes. Choose the one that fits best. Putting them inside your cup holder can protect your console from any condensation. It’s like an added layer from leaks or spillage while you’re driving. You can grab your morning latte or cold brew and put them in without having to worry about water getting on the surface or cleaning them up later.
Rear Seat Protectors and Mats
If you have kids, whatever organizing and cleaning systems you may already have, they’re bound to get messed up. Kids are fun-loving cuties with boundless energy. They are bound to get hungry, so eating in the car is not something you can put a ban on anytime soon. To maintain the squeaky cleanliness of your seats for as long as possible, it is best to buy rear-seat protectors. They will keep off crumbs, drinks, ketchup, and other foodstuffs in direct contact with your car seats. They also work great with pets in the vehicle.
You want to do the same with your floors. Floor mat liners, like custom-fit WeatherTech mats, keep away spilled drinks off your carpet. They have an all-weather surface that is easy to clean without any hassle. They are designed to prevent any mess in your car, and they are also resistant to wear and tear. If you happen to have dogs too, then a rear protector is a must for you.
Garbage in, Garbage Out
When you spend too much time in the car, eventually, it will feel lived in, and at times you don’t even see the litter here and there that is slowly piling up. Always keep a small decorative trash bag inside the car to prevent that from happening. Best to choose the one that you can attach to the back of a headrest or the gear shift so it doesn’t tumble down when you’re driving full speed or when you reach a bumpy road.
This is a contributed post.
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