Retirement feels like crossing the finishing line for a lot of people. You have just spent your whole life working hard to achieve all your goals, have your family, make your fortune and here you are. You’re about to leave the job you’ve had for the best part of thirty years, and you’re going to take a step back and enjoy the winter of your life by relaxing and taking time to do all the things that you put off doing.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”MbfEL” via=”yes” ]A happy retirement that is fulfilling is often one where you don’t have to think about your finances and once you decide what is going to give you true peace during retirement, you can work on getting there in your finances. So, here are some of the ways you can make sure that you are prepared for your retirement:[/ctt]
A lot of people wait until between two and five years before their retirement age to really think about their retirement options. Mostly, retirement planning centers around finances. After all, you’re stepping away from that regular and secure income, so you need to ensure that you have things in place to keep you supported and living comfortably and securely while you aren’t working anymore.
If you are retired, you may feel like your financial safety net is gone. Even if you can pay your monthly bills, any emergency may cause you a financial problem. However, you can use a reverse mortgage to access money from the value of your home, known as home equity. The reason a standard mortgage may be less helpful than getting a loan through a reverse loan broken is a traditional home loan has to be paid back relatively quickly. A reverse mortgage is a long-term loan with no requirement to pay any portion of it back soon after borrowing. Instead, you can control the length of the loan and when it is paid back. The agreement will stay active as long as it is your primary home, no matter how many years pass.
A happy retirement that is fulfilling is often one where you don’t have to think about your finances and once you decide what is going to give you true peace during retirement, you can work on getting there in your finances. So, here are some of the ways you can make sure that you are prepared for your retirement:
- Defining your retirement is the first step to making sure that this part of your life is going to be relaxing for you! Are you hoping to travel? Do you aim to spend more time with your children and grandchildren who live away from you? Once you have defined to yourself how you would like to spend the last part of life, you can then decide how you finance it. For some, looking up a good reverse mortgage calculator can give them an idea of whether they could cash in on their home and travel the world. For others, they have savings built up through life and a mortgage-free home to fall back on. It’s all about working out what you need for your retirement goals and moving forward from there.
- Think about the assets that you have when you have closed the door on the working world. We don’t mean your house or your savings, though we hope you are owning both in a big way. We mean the antiques collection that you have put your whole life into. We mean those amazing piano skills that you could be teaching to younger people. Turning your hobby into an asset is a nice way to spend some of your time when you retire, because you can do something you love while earning a little money alongside it.
- Speaking to the doctor and evaluating your health is a step that has to be taken when you retire. You need to know that you are going to be able to live your life to the fullest when you step away from work. Prevention is far better than cure, and ill health is something you can put the brakes on to make your retirement more enjoyable.
Retiring is something to look forward to, not something to fear. Ensuring your health both physically and financially is going to help you go a long way to enjoying that time!
This is a contributed post.
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Leandro Mueller says
Hi, Amy! I did some clicks on this page, as I read the post. Hopefully, somehow, even in a small way, it contributed to you. On the other hand, unfortunately, a lot of people still haven’t got any plans for their retirement. I’m hoping that soon they will see the need to do it. For me, setting goals, writing your plans, including healthcare and long term care, and fortifying financial status are among the important factors to have a successful retirement. I strongly agree with your final statement about ensuring your health both physically and financially as it will help you go along way. In line with that, I encourage people to find out various health care options that will help them face their healthcare needs in retirement. It is never too early to learn about Medicaid, Long term care insurance, Medicare and even comparing different Medicare supplement plans, as it will enhance their health literacy as well as fortify your retirement plans. The key in retirement is to plan and save diligently.