A lot of us are already conscious about the need to be energy efficient in the home. But when you start learning more about creating an eco-friendly living space, you will come across the concept of water efficiency more and more, too. There’s a real risk that we are running through our water supply, with some major cities already facing shortages due to crises. Now is the time to take water use a lot more seriously, and here’s how you can start saving without it impacting how you live your life too much.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”xc7Mz” via=”yes” ]There’s a real risk that we are running through our water supply, with some major cities already facing shortages due to crises. Now is the time to start avoiding water waste and here’s how you can start saving water without it impacting how you live your life too much.[/ctt]
Get smart with your faucets
Most of the water in the home is used for washing, first and foremost. Showers, sinks, doing the dishes, often we use much more than we really need to. Taking shorter showers and not filling the sink up entirely for every load of dishes can help. But smart water faucets can help you use a lot less water without having to think about it too actively. MakeUseOf.com shows the benefits that smart water faucets allow for, including greater control over waterflow, and some potential to save real money on those utility bills.
You can still work those green thumbs
Gardeners aren’t going to like hearing this very much but keeping their lawns nice and green and their flowers bright and healthy is becoming a real drain on all our water supply. But that doesn’t mean that they have to completely give up the hobby they love or the curb appeal of their home. Rather, they should visit ProIrrigation.com for more information on water-efficient ways to keep their garden fresh without being so wasteful. Not only do smart irrigation systems save water (and money), but they also ensure you avoid overwatering your plants and they take some of the physical labor out of the hobby. Reusing grey water (i.e., water you’ve already used in the sink or bath) can be another great way of saving and won’t risk the health of your garden.
Be quick on the fix
Some of the biggest wastes of water aren’t down entirely to the habits of the homeowner, either. We have plenty of reason to fix our plumbing when we notice a problem, but the truth is that we often don’t notice a problem until there’s a visible leak. Under the surface, your pipes could have many more issues that are consistently causing you to waste water. Check out LenThePlumber.org and get more informed on signs that something is wrong with your plumbing. The more inefficient your system, the more water it needlessly wastes. Of course, spotting trouble early can prevent the risk of serious water damage or damp and mold to the home, as well.
Any option that helps you use less water or reuse water is worth taking. You can still have enough to drink, to wash, and to water your garden without issue. The simple fact is that most households use much more water than they should. The tips above can help you become part of the solution, not part of the problem.
This is a contributed post.
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i never knew there was such a thing as a smart water faucet!