Dust: it’s not something we think about very often, but we also don’t notice it until it’s too late. Dust can cause health problems, it can make our homes look horrible and it can also affect our children and our pets. Are you living in a dust-ridden home? Your home might be a dust magnet […]
Magic Carpet Care Tips
If you have just moved into a new place or laid a fresh carpet, you want to make sure that you take the best care of it that you possibly can. And when it comes to carpeting, caring for it properly is an ongoing task. So, if you have never had to do this before […]
Get Your Home Super Clean In Just A Few Hours
Maybe you know it’s time for you to deep clean your home, but you’re struggling to bring yourself to do it as you know it’ll take an age to complete. Maybe you have guests coming over, or you’re simply getting sick of the dust that has been gathering on top of your appliances. Whatever your […]
Taking The Environmental Cost Out Of Your Clean
God made this planet for us, and filled it with the plants to feed and sustain us. He gave us sparking azure oceans teeming with a phenomenally complex social strata of fish. Just look out of your window and, whether you’re a person of faith or not, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the […]
Take The Stress Out Of Spring Cleaning!
As the seasons change, there’s one thing that a lot of people are turning their minds to: spring cleaning. For some, it’s one of the best things about the new seasons. It gives them the chance to freshen up their home and bring some new life into it. It lets them get organised and get […]
5 Ways To Make Spring Cleaning Simple
If you’re not a cleaning addict, the annual spring clean can be a gruelling event. However, it doesn’t have to be such a challenge – by bringing in improvements you can make your home easier to clean. Here are just five ways to make spring cleaning simpler. This is a contributed post and contains affiliate […]
10 Ways To Make Your Home Easier To Clean
Can’t seem to keep your home clean? Households with kids and animals are more likely to suffer from regular mess. Getting rid of your kids and pets likely isn’t an option – instead why not take steps to make your home easier to clean. Here are just a few home improvements that could make cleaning […]
The Quick And Easy Guide To Decluttering Your Life
Do you have too much clutter in your life? Is it stressing you out and making you feel out of control? You need to do something out it before you start to feel even worse. Clutter is one of the main sources of stress in the home, and if you don’t get rid of it, […]
The Worst Household Stains That Every Home Dreads (And How To Remove Them)
It’s a shame that people roll their eyes at others who declare their occupation as “homemaker” because keeping a house clean and tidy (especially when said house contains at least one child) can be, or at least feel like, a full time job. Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action there is […]