Blogging is one of those things that could well have seemed like a baffling idea to people even a couple of decades ago. After all, the idea of just going online and writing about things that you’re passionate about and being able to turn that into an actual career is something that could only really […]
Balancing Diapers and Deadlines Course Review
Since I am a large family homeschooling mom of seven (with one on the way) with two blogs, two Etsy shops, and I am a 2018 Homeschool Reviewer on the Crew of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, I was thrilled to review the course: Balancing Diapers and Deadlines from Lisa Tanner Writing. This is a contributed post and contains […]
The Best Blogger Training Resource in 2018 – The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit
I know what you may be thinking, because I was there a little over a year ago when I started my blog. Why don’t they have a Blogger’s Course at my local college? But then, a month after I started blogging, I found the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit with all the courses I needed in one […]
Managing Your Money When You Work For Yourself
It’s safe to say that you have to be great with money when you work for yourself. Because not only do you have your own personal finances to manage, but you’ve also got the business’ money to manage too. And this can be tough – especially if you’ve never had to manage business finances before. […]
Are You Struggling To Pick A Career Path?
There are few things more challenging in this life than coming to a fork in the road. Whether it’s the chance for a relationship vs the freedom of being single, moving to a new place vs the comfort of home, or any other choice, the decision is almost never easy. And few decisions are more […]
How to Make Your Blog Look and Feel More Professional
If you’ve been told that you’ll never make any money from your blog, then the first thing to know is this: they’re wrong. You absolutely can make money from blogging! However, it is true that standards have been raised in recent years. Today, you need to have a touch of professionalism if you’re going to […]
Skill Search: Basing Your Career On The Work You Like
Dream jobs, aspirations and goals, and thinking about the future are all big parts of the later stages of growing up. During this time, you have to figure out what you’d like to be doing for the rest of your life, but it can be easy to take the wrong approach. Grounding yourself in reality […]
Training Courses All Entrepreneurs Should Consider
As an entrepreneur and small business owner, it is important that you take charge of your own learning. It’s always important to keep on learning, especially in your choice of career as it can help you develop professionally and gain a lot of new skills and experiences. There are also some skills that are required […]
Small Business Website Tips To Help Your Local Store Increase Traffic
How can your local store increase traffic? You have heard other local businesses have a web presence and that it has increased traffic for them. Study these small website tips to help your local store increase traffic too. This is a contributed post and contains affiliate links. My website is my job, and helps to […]