Parenting is such a hugely important aspect of life. We have to ensure that we impart all of the right family values to our young ones so that they can grow into wonderful adults. It’s not just about keeping them happy and healthy throughout their life, you also have to ensure that they are independent […]
How to Develop Strong Values in your Family
Whether you are thinking of starting a family or you want to improve the quality of an existing family unit, you are in the right place. Family values are not limited to nuclear families; they are an important foundation for any kind of family or close group of people. Find out more about family values […]
Common Puberty Struggles And How You Can Help Your Kids
Puberty can be an emotional time for both teenagers and their parents. Puberty can be confusing, awkward and hard on kids who experience it alone; parents are often uncertain how best to support their child through these changes and emotions. Note: Some links in this post are affiliate links, which means I receive a commission […]
Plan A Fishing Trip With Your Children
Have you been fishing as a child? What about your children? Have you been too busy to get out and teach your children how to fish? Would you regret it if you didn’t? It’s time to make a plan a fishing trip with your children, buy the gear and bait, practice at home, pack for […]
Magnetude Jewelry – Magnetic Bracelets for the Family
We found out that we just cannot get away from electro magnetic fields (EMFs). We can see a LTE cell tower from our house, we love our microwave too much to get rid of it and we can only go without the Wi-Fi when we are sleeping and about six other hours of the day […]
How To Choose A Tablet For Your Child
Tablets are great for kids, they’re small, portable, and can be used for both educational and entertaining. But there are so many on the market at the moment, with prices to suit all budgets, so which one do you pick? When choosing a tablet for your child, here are some things you might want […]
Tips for Parents Who Want to Build Success in Their Child
As a parent, there are many aspects of your child’s life that you can help with. But when it comes to their education, most parents feel out of their depth and unsure how best to offer support. After all, you want your child to be happy and fulfilled, but you might not know the proper […]
The Basics Of Using A Computer For Kids
Kids have a lot of skills to learn as they grow up. From being able to walk and talk when they’re only a couple years old to having to navigate delicate social circles as a teen, they’re bombarded with learning from the day they’re born! And with the advent of the online world and […]
8 Tips to Help Your Teen Build Social Skills
It can be tough to watch your teen struggle with social interactions. You may feel like you’ve tried everything, and nothing works. However, it’s important to remember that social skills take time to develop – and with a bit of guidance, your teen can learn how to connect with others in a meaningful way. This […]