If you love the Thieves® Laundry Soap, yet go through a lot of laundry like my large family does, you may need an extender recipe to make it last longer and still get your clothing just as clean. Here is a recipe that works for my large family of ten. Why We Love This Thieves […]
5 Homemade Cleaning Recipes To Try Today
Recipes to make your own dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, washing machine cleaner, toilet cleaner and all purpose cleaner today!
Make Your Own Foaming Hand Soap Using Thieves Essential Oil Blend
Prevent the spread of viruses by hand-washing! Our large family of ten goes through a LOT of foaming hand soap! If you have lots of pets including rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, dogs, and a cat, you are probably washing your hands after touching them. Plus, if you change a lot of diapers, you are washing […]
Valentine’s Day Sugar Cookie Recipe
It’s that time of year again! Don’t you just LOVE Valentine’s Day! We homeschool and do so many fun things for Valentine’s Day. A large group of homeschool families meets at a local bowling alley that opens up paid bowling (with a large group discount) for a special Valentine’s Day party where the kids of […]