Blogs are no good if no one reads them, that is why part of your mission as a blogger is to make your site as gorgeous as possible. Then you can guarantee a good following, something that if dealt with carefully can translate into decent revenue too. With that in mind, to find out about some simple ways to beautify your blog, read on.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”UchRG” via=”yes” ]Part of your mission as a blogger is to make your site as gorgeous as possible. Find out about some simple ways to create a beautiful blog.[/ctt]
Clarity above all else
One thing that you should bear in mind when creating an attractive looking blog is that clarity is key. That means even the small details like the header font and the line spacing need attention paying to them.
The reason for this is because these are the things that help with the layout of your blog and make it as clear as possible for your readers. Something that will help encourage them to follow your progress and make your blog one of the ones they visit on a regular basis.
Personalize with pictures
They say a picture speaks a thousand words, and if that is the case, then you must be able to see the value of getting some great images on your blog. Don't just rely on the old stock photos though, instead personalize your posts with pictures that you have taken yourself that are relevant to the subject matter.
To do this, you will need a serious camera and some photo editing software. After all, you want your picture to be of great quality for you readers, don't you? Lamentably, cameras are often one of the most expensive pieces of equipment that you can invest in for your blog, so it's definitely worth researching the market before making your financial decision.
It's also a good idea to seek out business loans that are applicable to investing in equipment if your funds won't stretch to the photography gear you need at the moment. Then you can start to hone your picture taking skills immediately.
Next and previous features
Something else to include when you are beautifying your blog is a next and previous article feature that displays at the bottom of every post.
This can work especially well within specific categories as it provides an attractive way for your readers to browse without knowing exactly what they're looking for. Something that, in turn, can allow them to discover and interact with new content they might previously have missed.
Tailor themes to trends
The theme that you have on your blog is also a very important element of its visual design. The reason for this is that it conveys the tone of your brand to your readers. In particular, it's a good idea to stay up to date with trends in blog themes, and apply these to your site whenever possible.
Marble effect is a big trend in blog theme right now.
Popular theme trends we have seen a lot of in 2017 and will continue to do so in 2018, are watercolor scripts, pastels and even marble effect with touches of gold. The latter being especially good for making fashion, beauty, or luxe interior design blogs look amazing.
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