There are many things about school that definitely do not help with your child’s education. The other children around them, the standard of teaching the teachers are delivering, the quality of the school… the list really could go on. But as many bad points as there might be, there are some really good points as well. There are so many things that schools do to nurture your child’s education to give them the best possible start in life, one of them is school trips. Most schools hold multiple school trips each year, even if it is just a simple one such as a walk to the park. But some parents are skeptical about school trips, they believe it is just a way to take money. Well, we’re here to show you why that definitely isn’t the case, and why you should encourage your child to go on all the school trips they can!
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”uOZBk” via=”yes” ]Some parents are skeptical about school trips, they believe it is just a way to take money. Well, we’re here to show you why that definitely isn’t the case, and why you should encourage your child to go on all the school trips they can![/ctt]
A Chance To Experience The Real World
If there’s one thing about schools, it’s that it’s a very sheltered world. A world in which your child is most likely going to spend around 16 years of their life in. They don’t really get to have any real life experiences during this time, apart from maybe a part time job as soon as they turn of age. It’s such a shock to the system when they do finally leave, but school trips to do help this in a way. The best ones that they can go on are the ones that are career based. The ones that might give them a real insight into what they working world is like, and what they can expect to be doing in their chosen career paths. But all children will argue that the best trips are the ones where going abroad, or stopping over are involved.
Further Education
There’s only so much educating you can do in the classroom as there’s only so long a child will concentrate for. But take them out of that classroom environment and they’ll instantly be engaged. A lot of school trips are so educational. It could be a geography one testing different soils from different landscapes, it could be a history museum that takes them on a journey through time. Whatever the nature of the trip, there’s always some form of education involved with it.
A Better School Experience
School trips truly do make the school experience so much better, for all of the reasons above and more. If your child is just spending their time in a classroom, it is going to be so easy for them to hate education. There’s nothing worse than being talked to for hours on end, it really can be mind numbing. It creates those school memories that we all know and love, and helps to make friendships strong, especially if they’re the school trips held abroad.
So there we go, if you were hesitant about school trips beforehand, we hope now that you can see why they’re so good for your children.
This is a contributed post.
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