From time to time, circumstances arrive that lead us to taking stock of our lives. Sometimes this is a personal event, sometimes it may even be societal. Being let go from your job, or realizing you never followed one of your dreams, or even being inspired by someone else can all serve as factors here. If you want a new job, here are some things to consider in a renewed career direction.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”dv2f1″ via=”yes” ]Circumstances have arrived and you have taken stock of your life. If you want a new job, here are some things to consider in a renewed career direction.[/ctt]
It’s very unfortunate that many people are starting to be let go from their jobs, or losing out on their own initiatives due to the terrible spread of Coronavirus. We wish you nothing but the best of health and safety, but also gently remind you that this can also be a great place to think about a renewed career direction. But how can we begin to make sense of this, and think of our options as a foundation to grow from?
Of course, hard and fast goal metrics are hard to get right at this time, because none of us know how this situation will play out or when new opportunities will come. But we can educate ourselves, and still find the openings that make sense to us. With that in mind, please consider the following advice:
Find Your Passion
It can’t hurt to find your passion, or at least take the time to think in a renewed context about it. For instance, something you may have wanted to achieve ten years ago may not be that relevant to your interests any more. It’s okay to update and try to find something you really do want, rather than think you have to live for your teenage self. Your passion may have been somewhat found in a past career path only to realize it wasn’t all roses as you had predicted.
In order to follow a new path with a career that you truly have to put the work into, having the fuel of passion guide you can be a big boon. Of course, the job market is about to get much more competitive, so certain allowances must be made for gainful employment and stability. Yet no matter how you feel, approaching this with care, consistency, and real want can be a worthwhile starting point.
Get Educated
It’s important to not only see a role is right for you, but if you are right for the role. This means finding an avenue to educate yourself well. For instance, MSW job options may be the result of a worthwhile degree in social work found online, and finding your potential starting point from that perspective.
Not only does great education help you gain a potential job in that field, but it can help dispel many of the starting mistakes you could have made otherwise. Additionally, this will give you the confidence to apply for the role in the first place, which can certainly be a sticking point for those thinking about pivoting their direction.
Find Several Career Starting Points
There is never simply one way into a career path. For instance, even the military, something most of us would consider the most regimented and rule-set system we could find, offers officer entry, enlisted entry, routes for degree holders, reserves, and contracting possibilities. If the military finds personnel from all over the working space, you can be sure that your potential career can start off similarly.
Sometimes, it means addressing and making use of an opportunity that is afforded to you. For instance, you might find that contacting an old networking companion may grant you access to a new field of work, or even helping to grow a startup can help you gain that management position much sooner than starting from the bottom of an industry and working up. Consider all options and don’t be afraid to select an unconventional path – sometimes, the best professionals are grown here.
Commit To Deep Research
Of course, feeling passionate, getting ready for education and considering a novel starting point are secondary to ensuring that you know what you’re getting into. A role might seem like sunshine and roses from the outside, but you must also be aware of what that work comes with. For instance, social work affords us the opportunity to truly help people and potentially solve terrible circumstances, but it will take a hard toll on you as you have to care for other’s issues as well as your own in your personal life. For this reason, understanding not only the marketing brochure but the realities of any direction, can help you feel more informed. From there, you’ll move forward with confidence.
With this advice, we hope you can begin a renewed career direction with motivation and care.
This is a contributed post.
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