In life, we’re often told that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. While we still have a long way to go, most of us at least try to embrace the idea that inner beauty is more important than outside appearances. And, many of us apply the same concept to our homes. The interior of your home is undoubtedly the most crucial part of any household. Isn’t it? In many respects, yes. The way your house looks on the outside might matter, but not half as much as the way you decorate your interior. After all, this is the part you’ll spend your days looking at. But, when it comes to issues such as home efficiency, this just isn’t the case.
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In fact, focusing too much on the inside where efficiency is concerned could see you struggling. There are internal things you can change. For instance, installing smart heating systems, or switching off unused sockets. But, these efforts won’t take you far if you don’t take care of your exterior too. For proof, let’s look at the three main things you should pay attention to.
[ctt template=”4″ link=”TadC8″ via=”yes” ]There are internal things you can change in your home. But, these efforts won’t take you far if you don’t take care of your exterior too. We will look at the three main things you should pay attention to.[/ctt]
Exterior maintenance
Maintenance, both inside and out, is essential for keeping your home in tip-top shape. But, keeping on top of exterior maintenance can also help efficiency. Taking care of any small gaps in your shingling or brickwork can keep unwanted breezes at bay. A shocking amount of heat will escape through gaps like these. That's especially true where your roof is concerned. On top of which, exterior gaps could also lead to issues of damp. As well as not looking great, these can lead you to crank up the heating to overcome that musty cold feeling.
Your roofing
Aside from needing to maintain your roof, it’s also worth thinking about how you can use it. Bear in mind that this is where the majority of your heat will escape. As such, getting this right could save you on a lot of lost energy. A fantastic option here would be to invest in something like Erie metal roofing. Roofing like this leaves a layer of air between your tiles and your roof deck. And, that makes it much easier to keep heating trapped inside. Another way to make use of your roof is to invest in solar panel installation. While this won’t impact efficiency as such, it does at least ensure you receive energy from an efficient source.
Your windows
You could argue that your windows are both in and out. You would be right about that, but for the sake of this post, we’re viewing them as exterior. Nowadays, the majority of homes have already discovered the joy of double glazing. If you haven’t, it’s past time you made the switch. Windows are another guilty source of lost heat, especially when single paned. Double glazing will make a massive difference to the heat you lose, and also the drafts you experience. Forget sticking up weighty curtains. Take the issue outside and see what a difference it makes.
This is a contributed post.
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