Due to the fact that Texas was not prepared for extremely cold weather and it’s left countless people without power, it’s worth asking yourself a key question: Is YOUR HOME prepared for weather changes like this?
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However, Texas is not the only one being hit by freezing temperatures.
It seems every year there is another natural disaster to deal with. From the California fires to the floods in Florida, things are changing rapidly. Without even diving into the climate change debate, it’s fair to say that in some places the weather is far more turbulent than it used to be. The good news is that you can change your home to ensure that you are prepared for the coming storm. In doing so, you could save yourself a fortune in repairs and keep your family safe for the future. Let’s explore some of the key steps and the changes that you can make here when you’re thinking about improving your home.
Check Things Out
First, you need to make sure that you are checking for issues around your home. You must make sure that everything is working as it should. For instance, you should check your heating system. It’s worth doing this about once every year and potentially every six months. That way you can make sure that you avoid a replacement and only have to worry about a repair. It’s a lot cheaper and will ensure that you’re not caught out with no heating at the worst possible time.
You should also have a professional check the roof, the roof is an area where things can get a lot worse if there is already damage that is left to fester. A heavy rainstorm could cause damp to develop due to a hole in the roof that hasn’t been fixed. A roofer will be able to check out your building for you and ensure that there aren’t any repairs that need to be completed.
Consider An Emergency Power System
You might want to think about adding an emergency power system to your home. This will be useful if a storm does knock out the power on your property.
You might think that adding an emergency power system is going to be an expensive option for your home. We’re happy to report this isn’t the case. The reality is that a system like this can easily fit into the typical home improvement budget and is well worth considering. It can even be automatic, powering up as soon as you lose power so that you don’t even notice that anything has changed.
Go Renewable
It could also be worth thinking about going renewable with your power at home. In the past, renewable power options were expensive for the typical homeowner. However, these days, that’s just not the case. One thing that you should definitely consider if you have the right climate in your area is solar panels. The right solar panels will allow you to get a lot of energy for your home. The best part is that you can now buy batteries that allow you to store this energy. You can then either think about selling it back to the grid (in some areas) or using it when you need it the most such as through the winter months.
Improve The Insulation
You definitely should think about improving the insulation around your home. Usually, if there is a problem with your insulation then it’s going to be to do with your windows. You might need to think about either replacing or upgrading them. While this can be expensive, it’s worth doing because it will help you keep the costs under control when the temperature does drop. You should also be looking for any cracks and crevices in the exterior walls of your home that might need filling in.
Improve The Exterior Of Your Home
You might also want to think about the key ways that you can improve the exterior of your home. You could get started by thinking about the windows. We have already mentioned insulation and the windows are certainly a big part of this. But you might also want to make sure that they’re not going to smash if they are hit by flying debris in a storm. If that’s the case, then you can consider investing in reinforced glass windows. These are far less likely to break as a result of impact and can provide the peace of mind that you want from an option like this.
You might also want to think about installing window rolling shutters. These used to be an option that was only seen on commercial properties. However, that’s definitely not the case anymore. These days, it’s quite common to see homes with this type of security. This isn’t just about protecting your home from a break-in. A feature like this can also guarantee that you can lockdown your home before a storm hits.
There are other ways to improve the exterior of your home too. For instance, you might want to think about the issue of flooding. If you’ve looked out your window after a storm and noticed a lake starting to develop on your grass, then you could have an issue with soil permeability. You might want to consider speaking to a landscaper about how to improve this situation.
Alternatively, you could think about how you can save your gutters from disaster. In a nasty storm, everything and anything can fall into your gutters. You can avoid this by investing in a gutter helmet. As the name suggests, this device will ensure that only water will fall into your gutters. It stops you needing to clean them out after every storm hits.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can improve your home and ensure that you are ready to weather future storms that could be lurking on the horizon. Doing so is going to provide financial benefits and also give you more peace of mind that your family is safe from the worst the weather can throw at you.
This a contributed post.
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Is Your Home Prepared For Future Weather Changes?
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