The winds of winter are dying away and now is the perfect time for you to start planning your spring cleaning spree. You'll want to be thorough, so don't forget to make plans for your outdoors, too. Although a lot of people might assume that spring cleaning is only applicable to the inside of your home, you also need to take care of your outdoor property.
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Aside from removing the debris and repairing the damage that winter inflicted on your house, outdoor spring cleaning can also enhance your home’s curb appeal. Have an easier time accomplishing this with a little help from this quick checklist for outdoor spring cleaning.
- Clear Your Lawn
Under the winter’s snow, your yard is probably strewn with leaf litter. Clearing the organic leftovers away is a priority, both for aesthetic and health reasons. First, decomposing leaves are unsightly clumps of fragmenting mush. Hardly the sight you want your neighbors to associate with your home!
Second, the Centers for Disease Control recommend removing leaf litter as soon as possible to prevent disease-riddled ticks from infesting your property. Ticks often carry a host of nasty diseases, Lyme disease being the most commonly known. Depriving these critters of their usual haunts and habitations goes a long way in beautifying your home and protecting your family’s health and wellness.
- Take Care of the Trees
Trees and similar arboreal cover take an awful beating during winter. Snowfall can splinter their branches and particularly vicious temperature drops can cause tree trunks to split and crack. Some trees may not make it through the winter at all.
Dead trees and their branches are a hazard and sometimes an accident waiting to happen, no matter whether you live in Hartford or Fresno. They can break and fall on a particularly windy day, damaging your home, or they can cause nasty concussions and broken limbs if their branches drop on unsuspecting passers-by. Have experts who provide tree trimming services prune your surviving arbor and uproot dead specimens.
- Handle the Hardscaping
Sub-freezing temperatures can do a number on your hardscaping, particularly those that are exposed to the elements. Sudden temperature shifts can create potholes on your driveway and wreak havoc on patios, especially if they’re made of bricks.
Potholes can grow larger the longer you leave them untended, meaning they’re more expensive to patch up. You should immediately bust out some asphalt and cement and start repairing these kinds of hardscaping damage. Fixing them early in the spring prevents the freeze-thaw cycle that creates potholes from getting any worse and saving your hardscaping.
- Repair Your Roof
Your home’s roof will have carried the brunt of the weight during the winter. Heavy snowfalls and blizzards will all have taken their toll. Leaks and drips can eat away your eaves and leave your home vulnerable to infestations from vermin like rats and noxious fungi like mold.
Head up to the roof with some caulking material and shingles as soon as you can to protect the rest of your home from moisture damage.
- Do A Cleanup
Has some garbage been collecting on your property? If you have a damaged shed you would like to get rid of or large items that have been collecting outside, now is the time to look at local dumpster rentals and take care of it all at once. Your property will look so much better without the extras lying around.
Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth, and there’s no reason your home and outdoor properties can’t be a part of that cycle. Use the checklist above to breathe new life to your yard this coming spring.
This is a contributed post.
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