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[ctt template=”4″ link=”g7m01″ via=”yes” ]Making sure your children eat less junk food over the holiday period is never easy. Helpful tips to avoid too much junk over the Christmas period.[/ctt]
Making sure your children eat less junk food over the holiday period is never easy. After all, it’s likely that their stocking was filled with sweet treats, and they probably received a few selection boxes too. You will probably walk downstairs to find your kids’ faces smeared in chocolate on some mornings! However, it is important to ensure that your kids get a lot of the good stuff too while cutting down on the bad stuff. Read on to discover how to make sure your kids don’t eat too much junk over the Christmas period.
- Educate yourself – Now is the perfect time to educate yourself regarding the vitamins and minerals your children need at this stage in their life. Depending on how old your child is, they are going to need different types of nutrients for their development. There are plenty of websites available that provide advice on such matters, including the likes of www.ParentingPod.com. By educating yourself on what your child needs, you can target your efforts more effectively, and you will have peace of mind knowing that they are getting all the good stuff that is right for them at this stage of growth.
- Have a talk with your children about the effects of too much sugar – the high and low feelings that go with it and how it really isn't the best choice for you to feel happy the whole day. You can also remind them to be thankful, and that they enjoy their Christmas treats in moderation.
- Ask friends and family to avoid buying sweets – It is likely that your children will already have enough sweets and chocolate in their stocking, so it is a good idea to ask friends and family members if they can avoid buying sugary snacks. Tell them that you don’t mean to sound rude, but you don’t want your child to eat too much junk over Christmas, and surely they will understand. This means you can have complete control over the amount of treats they get under the Christmas tree.
- Make healthy Christmas snacks – Not all Christmas snacks have to be fattening. You can make healthy treats, and you can disguise them as something indulgent. Your kids will never know that they are getting the good stuff, rather than the bad, unhealthy stuff. You can find some healthy Christmas snack ideas at www.healthylittlefoods.com/18-healthy-christmas-snacks/. Remember, when it comes to children, presentation is everything. So think about fun and festive ways to present the food and they will be more likely to eat it.
So there you have it: some top tips for ensuring your children eat less junk over the festive period. Follow the advice that has been mentioned above, and you should find it a lot easier to keep their nutrition in check. Of course, it is Christmas, and it’s to be expected that we will all eat more than we should, and indulge more than we should, so don’t get too stressed about it!
This is a contributed post.
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