As someone who’s moved home a lot – and helped many family members move home – I can tell you that it’s no easy feat. For starters, while there are some lucky people out there that find a new home and the buying process lasts a month, most of us go through months and months of searching for the dream place to live. Then, you think the hard part is over, but you’re mistaken. There are so many things to consider as you move into a new home, and here are some crucial ideas I think you’ll benefit from.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”7N0bB” via=”yes” ]There are so many things to consider as you are moving into a new home, and here are some crucial ideas I think you’ll benefit from.[/ctt]
Decorating is harder when you’ve got moving boxes everywhere! Source
Decorate Before You Move All Your Stuff
It’s understandable that you want to move in as quickly as can be and start setting your things up. However, if you want to decorate and renovate the design of your home, then you should try and do that first. Get all the painting done and the wallpaper stuck down before you move in as it makes life easier. Otherwise, you’ll have to deal with moving boxes scattered everywhere as you bring in handymen to paint the walls while you’re settling in. It’s a mess, and you’re better off getting things sorted before you move in, if possible.
Change the locks to make your house safer. Credit
Change The Locks
Call me paranoid, but I don’t like the idea of living in a home that other people have keys to. When you buy a house from someone else, they can still have spare keys in their pockets, or their family members or neighbors might own a pair, and so on. So, I think your first move is to just hire a locksmith and change the locks. It improves the safety of your home, and you could also inherit a house that has an old lock system, so it pays to upgrade it too. The only instance where this isn’t essential is if you move into a brand new build home and you’re the first owners.
Do up your bathroom now instead of in a few years. Link
Make Home Improvements Now
The best time to make home improvements is at the start of your home ownership. Make them now, and you’ll be set for many years. There are loads of people who have something like an old heating system and think “yeah it’s old, but I can get a few years out of it before needing to replace it, so what’s the point?”. The point is you get it done now, so you don’t have to worry about it later, where it may cost more and be more effort. If you want to make big changes to your home – like a new bathroom or kitchen – then get them done during the first year you move in.
I know there are only three things here, but you’ll find these three things to be very helpful when you move home. Hopefully, by reading this advice, you now know have some extra guidance that makes your move less stressful. I particularly like the tip about decorating before you move. I’ve witnessed people decorating their home while moving everything in and it’s just a nightmare! Be smart, follow this advice, and enjoy your new home.
This is a contributed post.
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Great post! I love the tips I did some of the same things to a bathroom using wallpaper!