Learning and studying online has become the norm for a lot of people all over the world during the current pandemic. Read on to discover more about the different online resources for learning and some key pieces of advice.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”DtoER” via=”yes” ]During the current pandemic, online resources for learning and studying has become the norm for a lot of people all over the world.[/ctt]
Past papers and old specification papers – Should you do papers from old grading systems?
The simple answer to the question is yes – you should. The main changes that have been made usually relate to grading. The subject areas will probably have not changed. While it appears that there are more topics and that the exams are going to be a bit more challenging these days, you will find that past papers are a revision tool that you cannot afford to overlook, whether learning as a child or adult.
The questions contained in past papers still reflect the type of questions you are going to be asked in upcoming papers. You can use these past papers to practice and to get a good idea regarding what the real exam is going to be like. You should try to complete your practice papers without any resources and within the allocated time. This will give you a good understanding of where you are currently at and any areas you need to improve on. With a number of past papers available, you will be able to repeat this process to ensure the best results.
Online lesson plans are available
Another way to make the most of the different resources that are available is with online lesson plans. You can head to https://studentreasures.com/teachers-lounge/lesson-plans/fourth-grade/ for some downloadable plans for children in the fourth grade. There are plenty of plans for other grades and subjects as well, which can aid your learning.
Learning to play an instrument with online lessons
First, you will need to decide what instrument to learn. For some, this can be easy, for others it can be more challenging. We have some tips to help you if you fall into the latter category. The first thing you need to do is think about what type of music you enjoy.A lot of people assume that they need to learn an instrument in the classical form first, but this is not the case. It is important that you enjoy your online music lessons, so pick an instrument that is used in the genre of music you enjoy. For example, drums aren’t going to be ideal if you love listening to acoustic folk music.
The next thing to consider is the budget you have available. Of course, some instruments are going to be a lot more expensive than others, and thus, unfortunately, money could dictate what instruments you have available to you.
You also need to consider the space you have available to you for practicing as well. You are going to need a lot more room for the drums than you will for a ukulele.
Additionally, consider how much time you are going to have available to dedicate to music lessons online. All instruments need practice, but if you are time-poor, you may want to consider something relatively simple, such as a rhythm guitar.
This is a contributed post.
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