Do you have a favorite Christian children's Easter book you like to read to your children? I have eight children and I do have a favorite Easter book that we have been using for many years. It is called, “Love One Another: the last days of Jesus”. It is retold by Lauren Thompson and illustrated by Elizabeth Vyehara.
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We purchased our book from Scholastic books back then and, at the time, I had no idea how much we would love it. Here it is now in it's very loved form.
Sometimes, you can get Love One Another: The Last Days of Jesus on Amazon or ebay. What I love about it is that it is true to the Bible and covers some details leading up to and including Jesus' death on the cross starting with Jesus teaching and healing, Jesus' arrival at Jerusalem with the donkey, Jesus teaching at the temple, the temple priests growing angry with him, the last supper, Jesus praying in the garden, the soldiers seizing Jesus, Pilate questioning Jesus, and Jesus on the cross.
It does go on to say He died. It talks about Jesus being placed in a tomb and a large stone being in front of the opening, and Mary at the tomb.
This book has Mary telling the disciples that had gathered in hiding that “Jesus lives!” and then Jesus appearing among them and telling them what to do.
Finally, this Easter book tells that the disciples were filled with peace and that they were forgiven and that they set out to bring Jesus's teachings to everyone and to tell the wondrous story of Easter Day to all the world.
We like to invite our parents, siblings, nieces and nephew to our home for Easter and I read this book to the children to remind us what Easter is really about. It is my favorite Easter Children's book.
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