The crippling feeling of losing somebody close to you is incomparable to any other emotion in the world. As soon as you discovered the heartbreaking news your life changed forever. Not only have you had to get to grips with legal stuff such as insurance coverage but you have also had to deal with the pain and guilt of losing your loved one. This is such a difficult time in your life and it will take a while for you to heal. Blaming yourself and other people will be the first thing you start to do when somebody close to you dies, but try not to dwell on it for too long. Here is how to deal with this situation rationally and efficiently so that over time you can go back to living your care free life again.
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Legal Action
You might believe that your close family member died a wrongful death and if that is the case you might want to take legal action. It can be hugely difficult to deal with the result of somebody else’s negligence, so legal assistance in wrongful death claims will help you to understand the steps you need to take. You might feel the need to follow through with this type of action in order to start the process of grieving.
Personal Battles
Everybody deals with loss in a different way, so you might find it a struggle to approach the subject with your friends and family members. You might feel like you didn’t spend enough time with your loved one before they died, so you’re left with a crippling sense of guilt. Talking to a professional will help you to realize that you are not at fault here. As soon as you can stop blaming yourself you will be able to start grieving properly.
The “What If” Factors
It can be very difficult to understand the process of coping with grief and loss, but you can’t move forward if you are constantly questioning yourself. Everybody will always say ‘what if’ but you simply cannot think this way. You should understand that you did everything you could to love and support them; it is not your fault they passed away. If you dwell upon your regrets you will find it a huge struggle to start moving forward with your life. Your close family member would want you to be happy again and keep fond memories of them close to you, instead of feeling sad and distressed when you think about them.
You will always wonder how life could have panned out differently for yourself and your lost loved one. You cannot change the past so don’t let it eat you up inside for any longer. Try to see the positive side of recent events instead of blaming yourself for everything that went wrong. Often somebody can be to blame, but that needs to be dealt with professionally. On a personal level you need to learn how to move on and stop questioning yourself as a person. You have every right to feel upset, but don’t let it bring you down any longer.
This is a contributed post.
THERE IS HOPE AFTER MISCARRIAGE! (story of my 4 miscarriages & healing)
- A little (short to read, not many pages) book I really enjoyed after miscarriages and would give to friends and relatives who had child loss is, I'll Hold You In Heaven by Jack Hayford. It gives verses from the Bible and is very encouraging.
- Another great book for a longer read is, Safe In The Arms Of Jesus by Robert P. Lightner. With faith in Jesus there is amazing hope after the loss of a child.
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