The outdoor space of your home is something that you should take full advantage of despite how little you have available in your backyard. Creating a functional space though should be your priority because you want it to be comfortable for both you and your loved ones to enjoy. How can you make the most […]
Homeschooling Grade K Kindergarten – What to teach your Kindergartner
You can teach your Kindergartner at home. In many states, it does not require a special degree or anything to do it and the materials that are available for use in teaching are so easy to use and make it very simple for you to know what to do. I am a mom of seven children, […]
From Chaos to Calm: How Families Can Make the Home Renovation Process Less Stressful
Whether it’s your roof that needs mending or you have an abundance of little jobs that need sorting, the fact is that any home renovation process can be time-consuming, costly, and undoubtedly stressful. Factor into the equation you being a parent who has to look after a partner, your children, and the household itself can […]
Homeschooling Preschool – What do I DO for Pre-School?
So you’re thinking about homeschooling your preschooler. Do you have an idea of what you want to teach him or her? What is expected? I am a homeschooling mom who has been homeschooling for many years with my two oldest now graduated from homeschool, my third child attended public high school for two years and […]
Home Improvement Projects That Should Be At The Top Of Your To-Do List
You want your home to remain in good condition over the years. In this case, you will want to make sure that you invest time and money into improving your home inside and out. A good place to start is to gather some ideas as to what you can do to make it better. Then […]
Stock Up For Three Weeks Plan for a Large Family of Ten
Have you noticed the shelves are getting bare in some places? With current rumors of viruses, war, winter storms, wildfires and power outages, you know it’s time to stock up so you can provide for and protect your family. It’s a challenge to be stocked up at all when you have a large family as […]
7 Tips for More Cost Effective Grocery Shopping
Trying to get the most out of the food you buy isn’t a new concept, but with so many Americans feeling the pinch when it comes to household bills and budgeting, being able to squeeze as much as possible from your grocery shopping and purchases can help you avoid excess waste and ensure you still […]
Choosing Your Next Living Location? 3 Tips They Don’t Tell You
Not all house moves are entirely unmotivated by external events. For instance, you might move to be closer to a new job, or to be closer to your family, or to define your life anew in a brand new country. But sometimes, they are. Perhaps you just want to move somewhere with better educational outcomes […]
Diamond Painting Tutorial in American English
If you have been looking for a diamond painting tutorial in American English, you have found it! Here is where I lay out step by step instructions with photos for you to learn how to make a diamond painting from a kit. Note: Some links in this post are affiliate links, which means I receive […]