We have been enjoying doing a review on the digital version of Season 6: Underground Rising from Brinkman Adventures as part of our homeschooling this month.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”bbTMf” via=”yes” ]We have been enjoying doing a review on the digital version of Season 6: Underground Rising from Brinkman Adventures as part of our homeschooling.[/ctt]
Product Review of Brinkman Adventures Season 6 Underground Rising
We received a digital version of Season 6 – Underground Rising to listen to, which has the following titles of audio drama to listen to…
- Dutch Underground Part 1
- Dutch Underground Part 2
- Twice Born Fly
- I Wonder Why
- Free Burma Rangers Part 1
- Free Burma Rangers Part 2
We downloaded it onto the computer in my dining room so the kids could color or draw pictures while listening to the stories. The children that listened were Maris (grade 7), Miranda (grade 2) and Mason (grade K). The total listening time to all of these was a little over two hours.
Dutch Underground
This was broken into two parts. This story is basically a Grandma telling her Granddaughters what is was like to be a part of helping the Jews in the Dutch Underground back in the 1940s. It tells a drama of how she, Carolynn (I may be spelling her name wrong here), met and fell in love with a man during this time of great tribulation. Holland had fallen to people were doing their best to avoid the Germans and stay out of trouble. But it became more difficult when curfews were made and the Dutch had to be inside their homes at 10 pm and the Jews at 8 pm and distinctions were made when the Jews had to wear a yellow star.
Possession of a radio was made illegal. It talks about how a decision was made based on the Bible passages that talk about helping those being drawn to death and risks that were taken to do this. There were ration cards brought to help those in hiding. One family even had to hide in a haystack for a long period of time while waiting to be helped. They have different voices (with authentic sounding accents), music and sound effects to make the story even more real.
Twice Born Fly
This is a dream that was told about Mr. Brinkman being in a prison and how difficult prison life is. It gave examples of how the prisoners enjoy making license plates because they receive money to buy some very much wanted items in prison. In the dream, Mr. Brinkman wanted to escape, but felt hopeless, like there was no way out. One day, an innocent prisoner was escaping and offered Mr. Brinkman a way out. It's an allegory to help us see how Jesus saves us from our sins.
I Wonder Why
A mother of a family of four lost a baby. The family went camping and prayed to see what God would have them do at this stage of life, after going through this. They decided to go live as missionaries in India. Their son, Joey, has allergies and their were concerns how this would go for them. Their oldest daughter had a hard time letting go of possessions and leaving her friends behind. Yet they trusted God and went to help more than 20 orphans. The only helper they had was an adult named Julie that used to be one of the orphans herself. It tells of their trials living out their faith.
Free Burma Rangers
This story was also broken into two parts. This story starts with a boy's dog chasing a young tiger and eventually dying. The boy, Dave, grows up to be very brave himself and becomes a special forces officer called a Green Beret. He rose in rank and became a Commander and then a Captain. On leave, he met a woman named Karen and wanted to marry her, but their lives took different paths, he pursued and after the third time of asking her to marry him, she said yes.
He quit the Special Forces and Karen and Dave became missionaries and started a family in Burma and helped people there with a Good Life Club that had songs, games, crafts and school supplies. They had some medics that were able to help people in the region with health care as well. There was a time that they helped people fleeing from a region to get to safety from their attackers. We were warned at the beginning of the story that some content may not be suitable for young ears, so I didn't have Mason, grade K, listen to this one.
Maris' Opinion
I enjoyed listening to these stories and the sound effects and the different people's voices. The war parts were the best. The stories encourage me in my faith a little bit.
Miranda's Opinion
I liked the I Wonder Why story the best, especially the part about the monkey coming to the orphanage! That was funny!
Mason's Opinion
I really liked the orphanage story (from I Wonder Why) when the little boy was healed from his allergies by Jesus.
My Opinion
The Brinkman Adventures Season 6 stories are very engaging and keep the listeners interested. They use what sound like authentic accents, music and sound effects to make the “audio drama” more realistic. It is also easy to tell which character is talking when they use the different voices. A family could easily have discussions afterwards about the Christian themes and how it could be applied to their life right where they live in their own social circle.
I liked the I Wonder Why story the best, probably because I am a large family mom and the mother in this story seemed to be the mother of over 20 orphans as well as her own two children. It was interesting to hear how she “made a poultice” to put on some skin irritations the family was having and how she needed to make time to teach Julie Bible study and had to cancel a trip to town with her biological daughter because she knew the Bible study was a priority. I am often torn with having to disappoint one child's wants for the betterment of another child.
How To Find Them (Also: get 10% off anything on their site with the code FALL10 until October 31, 2018.)
- Website: https://brinkmanadventures.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brinkman-Adventures-152895116079/
The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Review Crew has a great team of homeschool parents that also reviewed this series from Brinkman Adventures, so click the banner below to see all the reviews:
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