Three of my children were not sure what career possibilities would be good for them so they helped me do a product review and took the CashCrunch Careers survey from CashCrunch Games.
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CashCrunch Careers is a database of career possibilities with a personality test that people can take to find out what career they are best suited for. To register, you are given a code. You enter the code and fill out some information, then you need to go to your email to click through and complete the registration process, which is very simple to complete.
When you log in to take the survey, you are asked questions based on your personality. Some of them are similar and you have to determine the word that best describes how you really are.
You can skip over some and come back and answer them if you are unsure. On the right side, the number will not be colored green if you have not answered that question yet. If you are wondering what something means, when you hover over the word, it gives you another word that means the same thing to help you decide if that describes you.
After the survey, you are given a survey report that tells you your career work styles, motivators and de-motivators, and matching jobs. In the matching jobs section, you can click each topic to further look into what types of careers might be available. Within each career category, there are a number of different roles for different personalities. For example in a restaurant, you will have the manager or owner or head leadership position, dishwasher, cook, waitress, server, etc. One of those jobs listed might appeal to you.
Marissa (Age 19)
This is what Marissa was given for Motivators and De-Motivators.
Here is a list of Matching Jobs for Marissa.
Marissa's Opinion
I think it was interesting. They got my attributes right. I was a little surprised that they had “working alone for extended periods” as a de-motivator because I would have put it under the motivators section. I would recommend it and I think someone else could use this advice. There was a few of the questions I couldn't decide which option, so I just chose one. It was very easy to do and very short, like maybe 75 questions.
Mercedes (Age 15)
Here are Career Attributes for Mercedes.
The following are matching jobs for Mercedes.
Mercedes' Opinion
None of the career choices I was given suit me. They all sound kind of boring. Of the career attributes, they kind of match me, they are more accurate than the suggested jobs.
Maris (Age 12)
A listing of career attributes for Maris.
Here are matching jobs for Maris.
Maris' Opinion
It was good. It could have asked better questions. I felt like it was asking the same question in a different way over and over again. It never asked me what my skills were or what I am good at. The attributes were right about me. Out of the jobs I was given, it ranked Food Manager as number 15. I feel like that should have been higher. I was surprised that Farmer was number 11 because that is not me at all.
My Opinion
I don't really understand how all three of my children could have the word “Managers” in most of their top 20 picks. It is sometimes hard to tell in the online world where a company's actual premises is, but the website does say that Paul Vaasey, the creator, graduated from a college in England. However, an email to me said it came from California. Perhaps, in England, manager means “a person that does a job, not in a leadership position”. Here in the United States of America, to me, a “manager” is a person in leadership. I know for sure that at least one of my children is not leadership material and is 95% more of a follower so I wondered about that.
Although in many cases, the attributes were right, I am disappointed in the matching jobs. I would think that something suitable for each child should have been in their top ten. However, even after clicking through and looking at the job choices for that matching job, nothing suitable could be found in the top ten for each child's personality.
I was surprised to see that Maris and Marissa had the same exact top 20 Matching Jobs. I had to double check my photo to see that they were different, yes one photo is named “cashcrunchmam2.PNG” and one is named “cashcrunchmrm3.PNG”. How can both Marissa and Maris have the same choices? He is more of a leader, she is not. He would rather work with people than animals, she is the exact opposite. All three of them took tests on different days and did not watch each other take the test. Mercedes has the same as Maris and Marissa for the first 12 Matching Jobs, then hers are different. A career could be found that had some interest to her in number fifteen, but she would rather be an artist rather than an agent or business manager of them.
My opinion is that there should be more questions asked regarding their skills, experience or interests, in addition to their personality traits. This would be good for someone that wants to dig through the career database to see what position does interest them though. They may find something they have not thought of before that would suit them.
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The focus of CashCrunch Careers is to find out who you are, based on your inherent traits and what you are capable of. With regards management skills, within the right environment your daughter will probably step up and lead. (In my teaching days, I had a student who would constantly be a disruption, but found his calling on an army obstacle course where he led from the front, motivated his peers and was head and shoulders above everyone else in that role). Skills are not taken into account because they can be learnt. This is about finding a job that will match your temperament and therefore one that you will enjoy, become good at and excel at. With regards boring jobs, the title may sound boring, but I am sure there are requirements within the job that will be fully enjoyed, which are enhanced under the right conditions – i.e. in a team, under pressure / or not or independently.
The questions do ask the same type of question in a different way purposely. This is standard in most personality tests. The difference with CashCrunch Careers is that we focus on what motivates you and what best job / career would suit you (based on who you are, how best you would work in terms of adaptability, independence, problem solving etc) as opposed to saying you like numbers and therefore should consider a career with numbers.
That’s very interesting. Thank you for the additional information and for your insights.