My high school daughter, Mercedes, and I recently had the opportunity to view the online class Geology and Apologetics as well as the introductory video Taking the Mystery Out of Geology to do a product review of Northwest Treasures.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”USGhb” via=”yes” ]These online classes teach some of the Geology and Apologetics conflicts and study them from a Biblical, geological point of view.[/ctt]
Product Review of Northwest Treasures: Geology and Apologetics
Geology and Apologetics is an online course of videos (averaging around 20 minutes each for a total of 1 hour and 36 minutes) to watch with questions at the end of each section. These online classes teach some of the Geology and Apologetics conflicts and study them from a Biblical, geological point of view to give believers the education in Geology they need to help them better defend their faith. There are six different videos…
- Knowing the Scriptures in the Secular Geological Age
- Clarifying the Conflict Between Science and the Bible
- The Genealogies and Chronologies of Genesis, Are They Accurate and Reliable?
- Evolutionary Gaps in the Fossil Record, How Serious Are They?
- Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution, the Story that Never Seems To Die
- Time and Chronology in the Secular Geological Age
How We Used Geology and Apologetics
Mercedes and I would sit on the couch with the iPad and watch them together. We would watch more than one at a time, so it didn't take too many sessions to do this. At the end of each lesson are questions and we would listen to these and think of the answers.
A Few Details
The big theme that stuck out to me in all of these videos is that scientists make assumptions and hypothesis. They are basically interpreting what they see. But interpretation has become science. In order to keep science pure, we have to be very careful. The instructor, Patrick Nurre or “Rock-Man Pat” refers to the Bible and he helps us to figure the approximate age of the earth with the critical record of Adam's lineage in Genesis.
Mr. Nurre really backs up the belief of a young earth with lots of physical data and Biblical accounts. He explains in an easy to understand tone with enunciation that is clear enough to hear what he is saying. We only had to stop and back it up once when my toddler was too loud. I find that unusual. In most programs, there are always a few words that are not properly enunciated and I can't understand what the reader is saying and have to back it up a few times.
He often says that the geologists have to use the current rocks and fossils to try to make up the historical record and he defines “uniformitarianism”. Geologists believe that rocks are ancient or old, evolution is a fact, all of earth's geologic processes have been and are naturalistic processes and neither miracles or belief in God have any place in science. He helps us to know how flawed radiometric dating is and gives a definition of what it is, how it is used and how it can make mistakes. We learned that radiometric dating didn't even exist until the 20th century. In the past, “enlightenment” shaped dating. When radiometric dating came out, it was tweaked based on those beliefs. This really helps us to see how flawed this method of dating can be and explain it better to others.
Pat teaches that the fossil record is really a record of death and extinction, not evolution. He shows that not one fossil has ever been found that shows a transition of a living species changing to another species. If evolution is true, there should be an enormous number of transitional fossils, but there are simply none of these. That is an incredible point that he makes. I don't see how any evolutionist could even argue about that fact. During the viewing of these videos, you will see him speaking or pictures of fossils or other pictures. Sometimes, when he is stating points in a numbered form, the words will be put on the screen. Toward the end of each video, the questions will be put up in words on the screen.
Other Products They Have
In addition to all of their online geology classes, Northwest Treasures also has physical books and rocks and minerals you can purchase. One kit that I am curious about is the Geologic Evidence for the Genesis Flood – The Geology of the Colorado Plateau. What is neat about it is that it covers sites right here in the United States of America like the sedimentary features in Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico, including the Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, and land Canyonlands National Park. It would be excellent to pair this up with a family homeschool field trip! Speaking of field trips, did you know that Northwest Treasures offers guided trips? It's true, there are three guided tours that are coming up in August.
They also offer High School level Earth Science books that can stand alone as a semester study. There are four of them that are each available as either a book or a kit with the rock, mineral and/or fossil samples. The studies are from a young earth perspective. They have activities, quizzes and a final exam in the book as well. It is called, Northwest Treasures Curriculum Project. They offer something similar for the Pre-K to 3rd grade level called Geology for “Little Eyes”.
Northwest Treasures also has a few courses on the website as well. They are a very busy company!
Mercedes' Opinion
It was interesting. There are some things that I still don't really understand. They have nice pictures in the videos.
My Opinion
It is a challenge for someone to wrap their head around the thought of people pretty much making up a date as to how old the earth is. I really like that Mr. Nurre takes us to Genesis for answers as to the true age of the earth. It is actually very young compared to what has been “proven” with radiometric dating. It really seems like Mr. Nurre is very educated and knows his stuff. It would be neat to take a guided trip with him someday with my large family. We could all learn so much more from him. The price you pay for this course is very low compared to the long-lasting effects of the truth you get in these online classes.
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