Owning a home is one of the most expensive things we actually do in our lives. We find that we are not only paying out the initial cost for them, which has us having a big mortgage or paying out a huge amount of money each month, but we also need to keep up with the common issues of upkeep of the home as well.
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Things can go wrong, and often problems occur in the home when you least expect them and they can be quite devastating and life changing if we don’t know how to handle them when disaster strikes.
There is no denying that while home ownership has some amazing opportunities, it also comes with its fair share of issues such as disasters striking when you least expect them. Often it means you have to pay out for repairs or replace something, or even make claims on insurance policies we only hoped we would never have to use. It can all be consuming at times, but it is worth keeping calm and handling the situations as best you can should they ever occur. With that in mind, here are some of the common issues we can all face with home ownership and a few tips on how best to overcome them.
Image source – pixabay – cco license
Bad weather causes damage
Weather is something that we just can’t normally predict for days or weeks in advance. However, you do get some sort of warning if things like a storm is about to hit the area you live. The problem is, that damage can then be incurred on your property and things can take time to get back to normal. However, if you find that you are in this situation and your have some sort of insurance to help with the costs, then you may want to to consider putting in a claim. You may be wondering if you have to file a roof replacement claim on your insurance policies which can be confusing and something you might not want to do. But thankfully there are guides online and even your own insurance company should have some tips on how you can get in touch with them directly to get the ball rolling. Weather damage can be quite brutal, especially for severe storms, so it is worth trying to weatherproof your home beforehand, if that is at all possible.
Burglary has left you devastated
Coming home to find that your home has been burgled is devastating. Not just physically in terms of the damage and the items that may have been stolen, but also mentally as the emotion of having unwanted guests in your home can really take over. Burglary isn’t an easy thing to overcome, but trying to avoid it happening in the first place is probably the best thing you can do. This is when you may want to put some actions in place to better protect your home in the future, to avoid it happening again or in the first place. You could look at upgrading alarm systems. Often we don’t realize how long the current alarm system may have been installed until we go to replace it. This is especially important if you have moved home and you are using the owners alarm system. You should also look at making sure the fences and gates are in good condition and even surrounding your property in the best way that it can. Another option to consider would be to get yourself a pet dog. This is one of the things that can be a huge off-put to any opportunities as a dog can bring unwanted attention not he property when they may be trying to make a quick escape. Last of all, adding extra security locks to your doors and windows. These can all be good ways to try and act as a deterrent to an opportunist even trying to gain access to your home.
Pests have taken over your home
Pests can really take over your home when you least expect it and it can be a huge disaster. It can be anything from rodents to creepy critters. They can damage your home, leave unwanted gifts in the form of feces and basically cause you havoc. Pests can access even the cleanest of homes, so don’t think that if you have an infestation it is down to hygiene in the home. There are many factors that include open holes, entry points, and even just leaving one thing out for eggs to be laid for things like flies. It can be an awful thing to experience, but one that is very common among homeowners. This is when you need to get the professionals such as a pest control company in to sort this out once and for all. They should be able to exterminate the infestation and also help avoid it happening again by looking for possible entry points in your home. You could also look at using your own traps and environmentally friendly ways of capturing or getting rid of pests. There is a lot of information online that could help you do this.
Image source – pixabay – cco license
Keep you safe and well at home
When you are at home, you want to be cool in the summer, and warm in the winter, but yet if we don’t check the things that help do that then what hope do we have? It might be time to put your boiler through its checks ahead of winter, so that you know that your heating system and hot water options are going to be working as they should be. The same can be said for summer and if you have an air conditioning unit that helps keep your home cool. It is worth getting these things checked over to ensure that they are working as they should be.
Protect your home in winter
Another thing that we can often forget about when it comes to protecting our home and avoiding disaster striking is to think about the winter and the elements that winter brings with it. Adverse weather can be a huge issue as we have already pointed out, but there are ways that you can protect your home during the winter months to help avoid distasteful in the first place. For example, exposed pipework. This is one factor that we don’t think about and expect running water to still be able to access our home whenever we need it. But if the weather is icy cold, then this can freeze pipes and cause huge issues when they start to thaw, even bust pipes. Covering exposed pipework with a layer of foam can help the temperature in the pipe to remain a few degrees warmer which could make all of the difference. There are many other factors that you can put in place to protect your home in the winter months and from the elements.
Avoid putting your whereabouts on the internet
Finally, the last thing that you can do to help protect your home is to avoid sharing your whereabouts and what you are doing on the internet. Saying that you are on holiday on a public forum such as an open Facebook or Instagram account is advertising that your property is potentially empty. This can then make it open for opportunities to take advantage. Share your business by all means, but ensure that you do it after the event so that you protect yourself and your home.
Let’s hope that sharing some of these issues will help you if you need to handle them yourself in the future.
This is a contributed post.
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