One of the biggest stresses that you may experience when having a child, is trying to get them off to sleep. It can be a real nightmare of a routine because your little one will most likely pull everything out of the bag as to why they can't or won't go to sleep when you've told them it's time for bed. This can be a very frustrating battle because while you know that you're the adult and the one that enforces the law – sometimes it's just easier to give in and let them stay up an extra half an hour. The problem with this is that once you do that, they know that you're breakable, and they will try and try to end up with the same outcome every night.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”2tYA2″ via=”yes” ]One brilliant way to encourage your child to sleep, not only when you have told them to, but because they actually want to, is to redesign their room. You would be amazed at how much of the little things really make a difference in the overall sleep process.[/ctt]
Image Source Pxhere: Young child asleep with teddy bear
One brilliant way to encourage your child to sleep, not only when you have told them to, but because they actually want to, is to redesign their room. You would be amazed at how much of the little things really make a difference in the overall sleep process.
Here's what you need to do.
Repaint the walls.
Of course, you tend to associate children's rooms with bright fluorescent colours, but in fact, this will make it rather hard for them to drift off because there is so much visual stimulation. So when choosing a wall colour, think about something that is soothing, rather than dramatic. You can still have a green room if that's your child's favourite colour, but instead of going for a lime or apple green, choose a mint or olive green. If you did want a big wacky feature wall, choose a wall that isn't facing them directly when they're in bed.
Get a new bed.
Depending on the age of your child will determine the kind of bed that you'll want to go for. One type of bed that goes down a treat though, is a bunk bed from Not only do they save a lot of space which you can use to your advantage, they also create a sense of excitement in your child because they have to climb up inside it and there are tones of fantasy realms that you can both explore together to make going to bed fun, rather than your little one feeling as though they're missing out on something.
Just enough teddies.
One area that a lot of people won't even think about, is the teddies on the bed. While having a few there is always nice for your little one to cuddle up to and sleep with so they don't feel all alone once you leave their room – overdoing it can make the bed feel claustrophobic, and not only that but they will most likely end up being too hot to get comfortable. So limit a maximum of three teddies in bed at a time. The rest need to sleep in the stuffed animal net for the night. If your child has more favorites than three, they can alternate who they'll have each night.
This is a contributed post.
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