When you look at your life, are you happy? It’s a big question to answer, so think carefully about it. Are you happy with your home? Are you happy with your job? Your partner? Your children? Are you happy with you? That last one is the biggest question of all, because you could have the nicest house and the politest kids and the best relationship, but if you don’t have the self-confidence to be happy with yourself, that isn’t easy to cope with.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”cWcD2″ via=”yes” ]The biggest key to your own happiness is self-improvement. You have to look at your life through the keyhole and see what you can focus on to get to that moment of looking around at everything you’ve achieved and feel satisfied that, yes, you’ve done it. [/ctt]
Self-Improvement: There's Room For That
Happiness is relative to an individual. What makes you happy, won’t make someone else happy. If you are spending your life craving happiness that you never seem to reach because there’s always one more thing to do before you get there, then that could be due to low confidence. It’s not going to be the case that ‘when xyz happens, THEN I’ll be happy’, because all of those ‘xyz’ moments in life will change. The biggest key to your own happiness is self-improvement. You have to look at your life through the keyhole and see what you can focus on to get to that moment of looking around at everything you’ve achieved and feel satisfied that, yes, you’ve done it. So, in the hectic life that you currently live, where can you improve yourself the most so that you finally feel happy?
Face Your Fears. Fear is usually the biggest reason that we are held back in life. Afraid to rock the boat at work by asking for a well-deserved raise. Afraid to take the plunge and do that online masters in mental health counselling just in case it doesn’t work out. Afraid to speak up in your relationship, if you’re not happy, in case you upset anyone. Fear is a massive emotion that, while sometimes is a good thing, should be conquered if it’s making you live a sheltered life. Don’t dismiss fear; learn to conquer it.
Admit Mistakes. Okay, so you could have got a promotion at work, but a moment of hesitation has changed that for you. That’s okay. Admit where you have made a mistake and draw a line. To err is human, and you are human. Self-improvement only comes when you recognize where you go wrong and aim to change it for next time.
Believe In You. You cannot hope to improve the way that you see the world and the way that you do things if you have no self-belief. Today may be a bad day, but a bad day doesn’t equal a bad life. You wouldn’t cry over a punctured tire and sabotage your car by slashing the other three, right? So, learn to believe in yourself about the way that you live your life.
Fighting for your happiness will come from improving the way that you think about the world around you and how you handle individual situations. If you can sit and say that you did your best every single day, you will get where you want to go.
This is a contributed post.
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