If you have been suffering from sleep problems or sleep disorders, don't worry! This article will tell you how to get a good night's sleep. There are sleeping tips here to use sleep optimization methods with a sleep tracker for insomnia treatment. You will do this by tracking your daily habits in a sleep log until you find what works for you.
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Sleep Tracker for Insomnia Treatment
Sleep Duration Recommendations
Are you and your family members getting enough sleep? This is what is recommended.
Sleep Is Important For Adults
Sleep is so important for proper brain function. In October of 2018, the National Sleep Foundation published an article, What Your Sleep Habits Reveal About Your Dementia Risk. It may be common knowledge that disrupted sleep can contribute to poor memory and cognitive decline, but it is shocking to learn that dementia, or mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s is often linked with insomnia.
Especially When Driving
Two out of five drivers (41%) reported having “fallen asleep or nodded off” while driving at least once in their lifetime according to this AAA Foundation Report.
Insomnia Cures
Is there a cure to insomnia? Yes, but it it will take a lot of work from you. Each person is somewhat different in what is needed for their best sleep. Only you can figure out what that is by keeping a sleep journal or sleep diary. You will need to track sleep habits and track sleep trends to set up a night routine that works for you. You can make your own sleep chart or purchase a ready made one.
Printable Sleep Charts You Can Purchase
Bullet Journal Sleep Tracker from vendor DigitalDownloadShop on Etsy
Sleep Log Printable Form from vendor ModerntypeDesigns on Etsy
Sleep Tracker for Insomnia Treatment from vendor NeededInTheHome on Etsy, that's me!
How To Use The Sleep Tracker for Insomnia Treatment Printable
If you purchased the printable form from my Etsy Shop and have it printed out and ready for use, here are the details…
Time Asleep
You record the approximate time you fell asleep.
Time Awake
Record the time you were awake for the day and did not go back to sleep.
Total Sleep
If you woke up during the night, try to estimate how much sleep was lost and calculate your total sleep you actually achieved in the night. I keep track of my total sleep very quickly and easily with a fitbit I wear at night and an app for it on my smartphone. If you would like more information about fitbits, Mobile Mob has written a great article.
TV or digital screen use?
Did you have any TV or digital screen use in the hours before you fell asleep? There have been studies to show this can affect your sleep. Pay attention to see whether this affects you and adjust your time accordingly so that you look at a screen for the last time earlier and earlier before bed until you find a time that is right for you.
Activities 2 hours before asleep
This is where you can write things that work or don't work for you during the two hours before bed. You want to work toward a “wind down” routine that will work for you.
Time I finished eating before bed
Digestion of food can affect your sleep. This time may need to be adjusted earlier and earlier. Some people have to finish eating five hours before bed, while others need to have a small snack right before bed.
Sunshine in day?
“Breathing fresh air while the sun is out there” is very positive for your health. Your body's production of melatonin can be affected by how much sunlight you receive during the day.
Caffeine, Alcohol or Nicotene use in day?
Watch these levels and remember that caffeine is in several products such as chocolate, teas, soda pops, etc. You may want to record how much or what time you had these before bed if you think it is part of the problem.
Time Exercised In The Day
If you tend toward a sedentary lifestyle and don't get much exercise during the day, that may affect your sleep as well. You may need to increase your exercise time.
All of these things can contribute to your quality of sleep. Tracking them can help you to determine what changes you need to make to optimize your sleep.
You may feel like you are doing a sleep study on yourself, making little tweaks here and there to your lifestyle, but when you find EXACTLY what works for you and you get a great nights rest, you will look (no dark circles under your eyes or possibly bloodshot eyes), feel, and act so much better – it will be worth all the research and time spent.
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Amazing issues here. I am very happy to look your post.
Thanks a lot and I am looking forward to touch you.
Will you kindly drop me a mail?
Good sleep is so powerful! When I finally made it a priority it was astounding the difference it made. I still struggling with restless sleep after 2 or 3 some nights, tracking my activities would help, as I like to think I’m pretty good with my pre-bedtime routine! #heartandsoullinkup
Alicia, it is amazing how powerful a good night’s sleep can be – we can have better self control in our words, how we react to others, how we drive, get more done, etc. Thank you for reading.
I hadn’t thought about all those things you listed as contributing to sleep/insomnia–food, activity before bed, exercise, caffeine, etc. Important to remember. 🙂 Thanks for sharing at #heartandsoullinkup
oh, I have to respond to Jennifer’s comment, because I have spent LOADS of time thinking about all these things, and eliminating them from/rescheduling them in my life! As someone who loves her sleep and has had trouble getting enough at different points in her life, sleep is priceless to me. One of the biggest eye-openers for me was getting my first FitBit almost 2 years ago now. It tracks my sleep cycles automatically. Thanks to this tool, it’s now dawned on me that 8 hours in bed does NOT equal 8 hours of solid sleep, so if I want to get my 8 hours, I need to be in bed for more like 8.5-9 at least! #heartandsoullinkup
I love how you say “sleep is priceless”. It truly is.
Jennifer, if you have no trouble sleeping, you don’t need to worry about it, but for those that do have trouble, they need to consider everything to find out what helps and doesn’t help. Thank you for reading.