How can your local store increase traffic? You have heard other local businesses have a web presence and that it has increased traffic for them. Study these small website tips to help your local store increase traffic too.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”7l5_9″ via=”yes” ]How can your local store increase traffic? Study these small website tips to help your local store increase traffic too.[/ctt]
Small Business Website Tips To Help Your Local Store Increase Traffic
Benefits of Having a Web Presence
You can gain a following of subscribers and can send them email newsletters
How do you do this? In the store, you can have a drawing for a prize of your products and on the sign up sheet, make a check box with a line for an email address, that says something to the effect of “I would like to receive promotional email newsletters, please.” On the website, you will also have a sign up box for customers to enter their email address. Once you have that information, if traffic is slower than you would like one month and it doesn't look like you will make your sales goals, you can change it, by sending out a coupon or announcing a special event (if they bring a friend they each get a free trial size product) or announce a new product.
Customers can look up hours and days open to prevent disappointment
In a small business setting, you may not have as many employees as you would like to manage the store if a family event, like a wedding, comes up. In fact, all of the workers may want to attend this wedding and in order to do so, you may need to close early one Saturday. With a website, you can have this announcement of special hours on your site, as well as send it out to your subscribers and post it on social media.
You can place positive reviews on your website
When a customer makes a positive remark about a product or service, you can ask their permission to post it on their website along with their name and photo (optional). This provides social proof for other “would be” buyers. This especially helps if the person is well-known and respected in your local community. Once they are on your website, they may tell even more friends, “I'm on the internet! Go check it out!” Their friends may be curious enough to come and see your store in person.
Sales can keep coming in even when your shop is closed
It is so easy to sell from mobile websites. You may not want to work at 1:00 a.m., but that may be the only time your customer can shop. This way, the sales can come in and you can set about to work preparing their items for pick up or shipping when you arrive in the morning. It's even better than having customers (who you don't know for sure if they will buy or not) lined up to get in your door in the morning.
Getting A Website Set Up
You don't have to be a technical person to do this! In fact, you can hire a company to take care of a lot of it for you and you can do the fun part like writing about the products, posting pictures, customer testimonies, announcing sales, receiving orders, etc.
You can show up in Google search results for your product if you research SEO and be sure you type the right long-tail keywords on your website in the right places.
You will show up even higher in results if you increase your Domain Authority. There are many ways to do this. Mostly, you need to get other websites talking about you and referring to your website link so that others will consider you a trusted source for this product.
Hopefully this has started you thinking how a website can help your small business.
This is a contributed post.
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