The February blues might be rolling around onto you at the moment, and that means you’re both astonished it’s already February, and can’t believe it’s only February! It’s a confusing time, and it can feel like one of the slowest periods of the year, but there’s good ways to break out of that slump. And one of the best ways is to feel like you’re wiping away the dirt of the previous year…
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”s8N8j” via=”yes” ]If you think your house’s exterior needs a major rehaul in the looks department, it’s time to get ready for a deep clean. We’ve touched on some of the best tips for spring cleaning your outside of your home.[/ctt]
Seeing as it’s not officially spring yet, you’ve still got some time to get your cleaning plan in order. Maybe you’ve already sorted out the inside of your house, and all the sofa cushions are plumped and ready and the kitchen doesn’t have any grime under the cabinets anymore. However, what about the outside of your house too? Did it get the same treatment? Chances are you’ve missed that spot!
If you think your house’s exterior needs a major rehaul in the looks department, it’s time to get ready for a deep clean. We’ve touched on some of the best tips before for making sure your curb appeal stays on the up and up, but here’s some more for you to get on with!
Target the Windows
Dirty windows have much more of an effect on us than we realise! When it comes to staring out at the outside world, if all you’re getting are smears across the glass and bits of dirt and who knows what else marring the look, you’re not going to want to open the curtains again.
So to make sure you don’t have the same effect in summer, when it seems like all the dust in the world is here at your house when the sun hits the room right, make sure you’re cleaning them up from the outside. Seeing as the inside is all clean, the problem must be out there! There’s a lot of different cleaners out there that can do the job, so simply pick up your favorite product from the store and get to work with microfibre cloths and a good water bucket.
Clean Up the Roof
The roof is the part of the house that protects us the most from the outside elements, and that means it definitely needs taking care of. Is there moss or mold across your roof tiles? Can you feel the outside elements when you’re standing in the attic? If so, it’s time to get the top of your house seen to, and chances are you can’t do it alone.
Contact a service like that of G.H. Clark Contractors if you’re thinking some more serious maintenance is in order. Even if you’re just looking to get your existing roof checked out, a professional team will do the job just right for you. It makes the process a lot more safe and cheaper due to the one time element! So break your ladders out of the loft and get to work keeping all your antiques safe for another generation.
Scan Over the Bricks
Your house is built on strong foundations, hopefully, and that means you’re not usually going to be worried about how the brickwork holds up against the outside world. Being able to heat the inside of your home automatically with a central system is a modern luxury, and that means we can forget where weak spots can occur in the walls of our homes.
Are any of your bricks loose on the outside of your home? Maybe the plaster is wearing thin? Is the paint flaking off or thinning in any areas? Do you have clear signs of mold or rot anywhere across the entirety of your house? If you have no idea how to answer any of these questions, it’s time to check your exterior walls to make sure you’ve got no weakened areas or holes around that are letting the elements in.
Don’t Forget the Finishing Touches!
And this means you’re going to need to touch up any areas where the paint is no more! Your house can look spectacular from a new coat alone, and because of the more extreme conditions this past winter, there’s a good chance you need one! Curb appeal depends on how you look to the outside world after all, and that means you need to stay looking fresh and well taken care of, no matter how tired you feel after everything else!
First of all, make sure any areas you do want to repaint have been sanded down, and that the house or the siding you own are strong enough to stand up against the strength of a pressure washer. There’s all different kinds of pressure washers out there for you to invest in, so you definitely need to know you’ve got the right one! When everything is clean and good to go, you’re ready to apply a new coat of that soft blue or pebble brown. Or even go a little more wild and try out the red you’ve had your eye on since you moved in!
It isn’t just your house that’s going to need a fresh coat of paint when it comes to recovering in the spring either, as your door and any fencing you have might just require a bit of touching up. Even if your fence is just wood, it might need staining with some solution so it stands the test of time against the rainy weather for just a bit longer. It’s a lot cheaper than forking out for a new fence after all!
There’s a lot you’re going to have to do to make sure your entire property is ready to face another year in a world where the weather is never quite assured. Once you’ve got the inside out of the way, and have had a good sit down, it’s time to tackle what the outside threw at you. Spring cleaning the outside of your mini world takes a lot more effort than the inside, but it’s absolutely worth it for a good year!
This is a contributed post.
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