Spring is in the air, and for many people this means one thing – sorting out their home and having a good old fashioned spring clean. With warmer days and lighters nights just around the corner, Spring is a wonderful season full of optimism and perhaps that’s why so many people use this opportunity to get their homes in order. There have been a number of sociological and psychological studies that link having a tidy home with a tidy mind; indeed, it is now scientifically proven that a cluttered house can contribute to a cluttered mind.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”ThcdM” via=”yes” ]Spring: the season of sorting stuff out, is a wonderful time of optimism and perhaps that’s why so many people use this opportunity to get their homes and backyards in order for the summer to come. [/ctt]
Yet, having a Spring Clean isn’t limited to cleaning and decluttering; there are certain outdoor jobs that have been put off such as repairing the backyard fence or maintenance tasks such as getting in touch with a company like Redlands-PoolService.com to service your outdoor swimming pool, if you’re lucky enough to have one.
See, in addition to sorting your house out for summer it’s equally important to take care of the garden. Winter is a time that necessitates horticultural neglect due to adverse weather whereas Spring is a time of awakening. It’s also a good idea to start preparing for those all important garden parties, barbecues, and picnics on the lawn with your family.
Indeed, right now is the best time to start tending to your garden particularly in terms of planting flowers to bloom for the summer. If you’re looking for a great guide on what to plant for the summer check out this great guide: https://www.sunset.com/garden/flowers-plants/easy-summer-flowers-perennials
Of course, Spring wouldn’t be Spring without the traditional Spring Clean where we give the house a good going over. The first step is usually to declutter your home; which means sorting through your items and working out what you no longer need.
The second step, is all about getting organised and this isn’t restricted to material items, as this is a great time to go through paperwork and take care of things you’ve been putting off.
The third step, is to thoroughly clean your home. You might want to consider getting in a professional company to undertake a deep clean (e.g. steam the carpets) or you might prefer to do it yourself and bask in the cathartic emotional release that comes with decluttering, organising, and cleaning your home.
Now that we’ve covered the need to tend to our gardens and have a good spring clean, the other aspect to consider when it comes to sorting stuff out within our homes is that of building work. It’s about now that driveways will be filled with big yellow skips as people undertake major overhauls of their garden in addition to building work – from renovations to brand new extensions.
Of course, this time of year is a great time to undertake building work, as presuming everything goes to plan (which it rarely does when it comes to building work) you’ll have everything in shape for the summer… as the last thing you want is to invite people to a beautiful barbecue in what was once your beautiful garden that has since turned into a building site.
This is a contributed post.
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