In our homeschool, I like to teach my children character traits and values, like generosity. So, I was excited to try out the Generous Students Homeschool Curriculum Kit for a product review. Here is what we found.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I was given a free product(s) and compensated for my time writing this article. All opinions are my own.
A Kit That Has It All
We received this beautifully packaged homeschooling kit for families from Generous Family. It was created for the whole family ages 5-18. It teaches kids to be generous with their thoughts, words, time, influence, attention, money, and belongings. The curriculum is 26 weeks long but could only take 10 minutes per day. We used it for more than that, as you will see below. The Kit includes:
- Welcome Sheet
- Instructor's Guide
- 3 Student Journals, you can order additional Journals on their website – (my four year old will need one in a few years as I plan to keep this kit and teach her when she can read and write better)
- 3 Sticker pages
- 1 Generosity Jar Sticker
- Generosity Heroes Book
- 1 Year Access To A Creative Instructor Portal (with a link on the welcome sheet) – this is where you find videos and audio files for lessons, printable activities, parent resources and more.
- A Contact Email address for support if you have questions
Easy To Use
I found it very simple for me to understand. In just reading the Welcome sheet, I found that this curriculum requires little-to-no-prep! That alone gives me a little time back in my busy day to do “all the things.” You can decide how much you do each day and what schedule best fits your family.
A suggested weekly breakdown could look like this:
Day 1: Introduce this week's theme with a simple lesson, a Journal activity and a “Bible Rest Stop”.
Day 2: Students read a devotional that goes along with the theme and complete a “Live It Out” opportunity.
Day 3: A Generosity Hero is revealed by you (a biblical, historical or everyday hero) who has lived out the theme, followed by a thought-provoking “Q&A Rest Stop.”
Day 4 & 5: Watch a suggested video, do a coloring page, and listen to a story to round out your week, you decided your schedule with these.
Library Stop: To enhance learning further, students are offered a theme-related supplemental reading list. Books can be ordered in advance if you are planning out your homeschool year or you could look a few weeks ahead to see what you need and go to the library, bookseller or order them online.
Inspire Kindness
We are always looking for ways to inspire kindness in our children, especially because we want them to get along with each other to have peace in our own home. But, of course, we also want them to show a Christ-like kindness and compassion to others. I have found this home education kit does help us to homeschool with purpose.
Build A Bible-Focused Family
I eat breakfast before my children, so that while they are eating, I can read the Bible to them and do a devotional with them. This kit works into our routine very well as once a week, timed with the theme, I read from the Generosity Heroes book.
During the homeschool day, we use the printables for coloring pages or activities or might listen to some audio from the Instructor Portal or watch a video, depending on what is scheduled for that week.
In our family, we do some of our homeschool at night as part of our evening routine. So at night before bed, I would read from one of the suggested books for reading, the Instructor's Guide, the Generosity Heroes book as well as have them write in their Journals as part of the evening story time routine. These things happened on different days so we don't spend too much time on it at one sitting.
Each of the 26 Weeks of curriculum is labeled Week 1, Week 2, etc. Which is nice, so that you can start it at any time of the year and continue until you are finished. When your younger children get older and can read and write better, you can start the same curriculum with them and all you would need is another Journal book for each child and access to the portal, making this very affordable for large families.
Generosity Rooted in Faith
It would be impossible for us to be generous unless we know that Christ has freely given us His gift of salvation. The Generous Students Homeschool Curriculum Kit does a very good job of teaching generosity rooted in Faith.
I am learning creative ways to be generous myself by teaching this curriculum. For example, one of the included videos showed how a stranger blessed a military family by paying for their “welcome home” family retreat. The family did not know until they arrived at the hotel resort and found out it was paid for by “Brad.” The man the military Dad talked with and gave his mailing address to at the airport.
I Witnessed My Own Children's Generosity
My children told me they especially enjoyed hearing about the heroes in the Generosity Heroes book and answering the thought-provoking easy to answer questions in the Journals.
Our family serves at the county fair in the 4-H food booth every year. Just last week, Miranda and Mason had finished serving with me and we were eating a meal that another 4-H volunteer was serving to us. It was a girl about ten years of age that did not know us and she was from a different club than ours.
I witnessed my twelve year old daughter and my ten year old son each give her a tip (out of their own tips they had just earned) and tell her she was doing a good job, even before I had a chance to leave a tip. I have not seen them do this in the past. I wonder if it is because of this curriculum.
I was so proud of my children for doing this unprompted by anyone.
If you are looking for a values-first home education supplement that may help your children become generous, you need to check out this pack of teaching tools that makes the process so easy for you from Generous Family. I suggest you go to their website and watch three minute video on their home page to get a short overview to learn more.
A Generous Discount
If you decide you would like to try this in your home, here is a generous discount.
Use code GIVE20 for $20 off the kit.
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