Do you have this banner pinned up outside your home? ‘Burglars Welcome: Help Yourself To A Cup Of Tea (and whatever else you want).’ No, of course you don’t, unless you are way more hospitable than you should be. Still, you may be openly inviting burglars into your home, without even realising it. Consider the following, for example, and see if you are guilty of these foolish habits.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”NvceW” via=”yes” ]You may be openly inviting burglars into your home, without even realizing it. See if you are guilty of these foolish habits.[/ctt]
- Leaving your spare key under a flowerpot
The flowerpot is one of the first places a burglar will look for your spare key, quickly followed by a doormat, garden gnome, and atop your door frames. So don’t leave your key anywhere within reach! It’s safer to hand your key to a trusted neighbour or a friend, rather than leaving it in a place where a burglar can easily find it.
- Leaving windows open when you go out
You wouldn’t leave your door open when you go out, yet many people still leave their windows open, even if it’s just a crack. Burglars are very resourceful, and they will find ways to crank those windows open wider and shimmy in. So, always shut and lock your windows, while double-checking every door in your home too, just to be on the safe side.
- Leaving valuables on display
Your 50-inch tv is probably safe, as the burglar will struggle to pack it into their swag bag. But it’s the smaller things you need to be careful of, such as jewellery, money, laptops, and game consoles. If the burglar can spot it lying around your home, you can guarantee the temptation to break in will be difficult to resist. Do yourself a favour, and shield everything from view, especially if you are leaving your home. Invest in a secure safe from a commercial locksmith to hide your belongings when on holiday, and always close your curtains at night time to block your items from view.
- Having overgrown shrubbery outside your home
Yes, we know gardening is a pain, but you do need to get the shears out and cut back any overgrown plants and hedges outside your house. They make for an excellent hiding place for burglars, and especially of a night time, you will have a hard time spotting them when they are hiding in the middle of your bushes. The same applies for any other hiding places. Always lock up your shed or garage, secure your crawl space, invest in outdoor lighting, and if you see any suspicious looking vans outside (whether they are labelled Burglars4U or not), call the police and ask them to inspect the vehicle.
- Going away on holiday
We aren’t telling you not to go on holiday, but you are looking at a home disaster of the thieving kind if you don’t take steps before you go away. For starters, ensure your home is fully locked and secure. Then ask a friend or neighbour to collect your mail each day, as a full mailbox is a telltale sign you are away. Perhaps invite somebody you know to open and close your curtains too, and ask them to turn lights on an off to give the illusion that somebody is living in your property. And don’t forget to turn your burglar alarm on! These simple steps will alleviate the risk of you coming home and finding everything but the kitchen sink removed from the property.
By following this simple advice, you are removing the invitation for burglars to enter your home. They will have to move on to some other poor sucker if they want to get their fill of tea, biscuits, and vintage jewellery!
This is a contributed post.
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It was really insightful.
Thanks for the info.
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