If you are one of those people who dread their energy bills being posted through the door every single month then you will know more than anyone what a horrible feeling this is. Your bills may be going up more and more by the month and they may also be burning a serious hole in your bank account as well. Thankfully, there are some things that you can do about this, and it isn’t hard for you to make a few simple but huge changes.
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Switch Energy
One way for you to save on your energy bill would be for you to change energy providers. The easiest way to get this done would be for you to look up ‘energy companies near me’ as they can offer you the chance to see the best energy providers including the rates and plans so you can slash the bills and go for a more affordable option for your energy. You can also read reviews on the energy suppliers so you can make sure they are the right fit for you. The main thing that you need to look out for here is whether or not there is a catch to the deal and if the deal is only for a very short space of time. When you have this information, you can then go on to make a good decision regarding where you stand with your payments.
Turn Down your Thermostat
If you cut down the temperature of your thermostat, you can save hundreds every single year. This is one of the easiest ways for you to save on your energy bill and it is also a great way for you to not feel the effects either. This is because you only have to turn it down by around one degree in order to save money and you can even invest in a smart thermostat as well. Some of these have the ability to turn on when you are in the house, so it is worth looking up some thermostat reviews to find out which ones are capable of doing this.
Infographic Provided By Solar Panel Installation Company, Sunburst Solar
Replace All of your Lightbulbs
Energy saving bulbs not only use less electricity, they also last much longer as well. A standard lightbulb can only burn for around 1000 hours before it needs to be replaced, but an energy efficient bulb can last around 10 years or the equivalent of 10,000 hours. This is a great way for you to save money and it is also a great way for you to seriously lower your bills. After all, not only will you use less energy, because you will also save money when it comes to replacing your bulbs and after a couple of months, you’ll find that they are paying for themselves.
Draft Proofing
Heat can escape through little cracks in your home. For this reason, you will want to use draft-proofing strips so that you can put an end to this. These can be used on the doors and even on the windows throughout your home and it can make a serious difference because you won’t have to have your thermostat turned up very high anymore. You can even use silicone to seal the gap between the wall and your floorboards as well, to prevent any other unnecessary heat loss.
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