The blue skies are finally upon us, and most of us are in the throes of a spring clean to put all previous spring cleans to shame. After all, this is the perfect time to cast off those winter webs and say HELLO to sunshine. But, when the spring clean is over, it might be worth turning your attentions outside.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”cU6XV” via=”yes” ]This Is The Year For Your Garden, But Is Your Garden Shed In Shape? Here are some things to work on in getting your garden shed ready.[/ctt]
Whether you’ve paid attention to your garden before or not, this is the year to get things under control. What’s more, you’re just in time to do it. Most summer plants and veg require planting by at least April, even if it's just indoors for a while. So, there’s no time like the present. Stock up on tools like those mentioned at and get ready to garden.
Of course, once you have the tools, you need to think where you can store them. You can’t very well bring that lawnmower into your home. Yet, you don’t stand a chance of tackling that lawn without it. The same can be said for the pairs of shears and spades you’ll need on hand. It’s likely you have a shed, of course, but the thing hasn’t seen use in years. As it is, it’s not even fit to store a sack of grain. Instead of using this as an excuse to ignore your garden for another year, bring your shed up to shape too. Here’s how you can do it.
Remember repairs
First, consider repairs. A hole-filled shed won’t be suitable for storing anything. As well as posing security risks, leaks and lousy weather are sure to ruin your equipment. And, that won’t do after you’ve just forked out. So, sort the issue by turning your attention to repairs. Many of these you may be able to tackle on your own. Small holes, for instance, are easy to cover using spare pieces of wood. Bear in mind, though, that when it comes to matters like roofing repair, it’s worth calling in a company like who can take care of things for you. Given that this is the place most exposed to the elements, you can’t afford to risk getting it wrong. But, with a professional touch, you can be sure to rest easy.
So what about shed security?
Though it might not have occurred to you, shed security is essential. Add it all together, and that garden gear is worth a pretty penny. And, don’t thieves know it? As such, you need to turn your attention to safety next. Typically, this involves investing in padlocks for your doors. But, as can be seen from sites like, you need to be careful with what you choose. A lock of the wrong material could rust under a constant barrage of the elements. What’s more, key-only options can leave you at risk of lock picks. Often, a variety of locks and methods are the best chance you have. Back that key-lock up with one which requires a security code. Then, you can rest pretty easy that your stuff will stay safe.
This is a contributed post.
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