Replacing the roof of your home can be an expensive business, but luckily, you shouldn't need to do it more than every 15-20 years, depending on your location and the weather. Though you might be put off replacing your roof because of the cost, it is actually a really good investment to make sooner rather than later. Your roof doesn’t just provide a hat for your building, it keeps the weather out, prevents leaks, and when it’s well insulated, keeps heat in. This is why just one fallen shingle could be a signal of more problems within.
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So here’s what to look out for.
Fallen and Broken Shingles
If like most of the population, you have a tiled roof, a fail safe way to see that you need a replacement is to check the quality of the shingles. You don’t necessarily need to get on a ladder to see. Just step back far enough to peer up and see how the roof is looking.
Are there any uneven areas? Is there a clear gap between shingles? Have you seen any fallen shingles in your yard? These are all questions you can answer from the yard below and will give an indication of the state of your roof.
If you aren’t confident that you can see well enough, you can always call in a roofing company like NJ Commercial Roofing Contractors who will come and make a more thorough inspection for you.
Leaks and Damp
If your roof is letting in water, you won’t necessarily notice right away. This is because the water will spread through your walls and ceilings before it starts to show. However, if you experience a particularly heavy downpour of rain, you might notice water dripping from light fittings for example, or even rolling in large droplets down the wall. A lot of roofing companies provide advice online and happily help point you in the direction of what to look out for, like the team At projects 4 roofing. Always remember to check the conservatory roof area as well – it is often overlooked.
An undetected leak or dampness can cause real structural problems to your house, so you must not put off dealing with the issue. This is why you must consult a contractor to avoid tedious roof repairs. You can see more here, and avoid turning the roofing project into a costly affair. After a while, your house will certainly begin to smell of damp and the longer you allow the problem to persist, the harder it will be to rid the house of this smell. Furthermore, damp over any period will have a serious impact on your health, making you feel unwell and tired, especially in the cold.
After the Storm
If you live in an area where storms are fairly frequent, it is likely that you will have invested in modern storm resistant shingles on your roof to make it last a little longer. However, after every storm, wherever you are and whatever sort of roof you have, you should still take the time to go out and have a look to see if there is any potential damage.
Don’t just look for broken or missing shingles, see whether there are any trees that might be resting against your house, or if there is any debris caught on the roof. While it may not have caused any problems, it is better to remove it safely before it can!
This is a contributed post.
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Mike Jameson says
I’ve used our inspection process to identify much of this, and it’s lead to a lot of new clients. It’s smart to run ads right after a big storm too so you can capitalize on the leaks and other small issues that can lead to bigger projects.
Mike Jameson says
This is good information. I’ve used our inspection process to identify much of this, and it’s lead to a lot of new clients. It’s smart to run ads right after a big storm too so you can capitalize on the leaks and other small issues that can lead to bigger projects.
Visit our Site says
This in just the perfect time. I really need this guide Thanks a bunch!
Kevin Grey says
Hey, Roof is very important and also it is required to protect the home so the thing which matter is to take the services for roof repair, I usually took the services to pour the leakage in the roof. Thanks for the blog!