If you want to get a pet dog for your family, then a lot of people naturally turn to getting a brand new puppy. You can get the puppy from being very small, and have it grow alongside your family. But there is a lot that can be said when it comes to adopting a pet dog too. The rewards and benefits can be just the same as getting a brand new puppy, as well as all of the fun that comes from having a family pet. Your life can be so enriched when you have a pet dog.
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[ctt template=”4″ link=”0P28T” via=”yes” ]The rewards and benefits can be just the same with an adopted dog as getting a brand new puppy, as well as all of the fun that comes from having a family pet.[/ctt]
When you adopt, though, your pet could have lived through some traumatic things, or just simply not been taken care of in the right way before. It could be that it was an older person’s dog and the owner passed away; there are several different circumstances that can lead to a dog getting adopted. So if the thought of adopting a dog is leaving you feeling quite daunted and overwhelmed, especially if you have not had a pet dog before, then keep reading. These tips are for you, to make sure that both you and the dog can thrive as part of the new unit that you create. Good luck! It is an exciting journey!
Make a Plan
Being prepared and reading up about dogs is one of the best things that you can do, especially as a newbie dog owner. You will need to look into how you will train and discipline your dog, and the different methods that are available. Will you choose clicker training or using a positive reinforcement technique? You’ll need to have decided this by the time your dog arrives, so that you can start on day one as you mean to go on. So everything from where they will sleep to the kind of food that you will give them needs to be planned out.
Allow Flexibility
While having a plan in place can be really helpful to help you to be prepared, it is a good idea to allow flexibility, as with anything in life. You may have ideas about the room in which the dog will sleep, for example. But to start with, they may feel better closer to you. So be flexible, and allow some change with your pet. They might not like the food that you’ve picked out as another example. Just be flexible and change things as and when they need to be. There is no need to have things set in stone completely, as the routine for the both of you will take some getting used to.
Take Health Seriously
Depending on what has happened in your dog’s life up until now, there could have been some important things in their life that they may have missed out on. It might not be clear if they have had all of their vaccinations, for example. So a trip to the vet pretty early on can assess where the dog is at with their health, and what they may need to help them. They could be deficient in something, and a vet would be able to recommend supplements, for instance.
You should also check on any signs that your dog is not well and not acting like they normally do. If they are acting a little out of the ordinary, it could be a sign that they are sick or have something like fleas or ticks bothering them. In cases like that, it is good to speak to a professional. However, there are some medications that you can get quite easily, much like the Pet-Lock range, to treat things like fleas and ticks at home. But if those don’t work or you don’t see an improvement, then seeking advice from a medical professional is a must.
Get The Basics
Much like with a new baby, there can be all sorts of gadgets and pieces of kit out on the market for new dog owners. But until you have your dog and you know what they do or don’t like, then there is no need to spend the money. So get the basics like a leash, food bowl, bedding, collar, and an ID tag. The latter, a dog ID tag, is really important and should be ready to go from day one. Attach it to their collar and it will keep them safe, as your details will be on there. You never know how your adopted dog may react to things. So having them covered, to know that they have a collar and tag on, is a really good idea just in case they wandered off.
Slowly Introduce New People
So many people will be excited to meet your new dog. But depending on your dog’s age or your dog’s life experiences, you might not want to throw them in at the deep end too quickly. A good idea is introduce them to one new person outside of your family a day. So don’t throw a house party the day after they arrive or anything!
Bonding Time
Having time that is set aside to play and to bond together is really good for you and your dog. It will boost their confidence and help them to build up trust in you. Talking to your dog, petting your dog, and being playful are all ways that can help you to bond. It is a good idea to get the whole family on board, if that is the case, so you know what to be doing. Have goals or similar ways of doing things, so that it offers consistency to your dog. This will help him to get to know you all better and to trust you. Which for an adopted dog, can be a longer thing to gain than for a dog that you have as a puppy.
Have you ever had experience of adopting a pet before? It would be great to hear what you think and what stories that you have to tell of the experience.
This is a contributed post.
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Great post for the dog lover! I really appreciate your article. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good job!
Lucila, thank you for reading.