What if you find two auctions in the same day, at about the same time? Which storage auction do I pick to go to? What if the auction is at the same time as another event, like taking the kids to bowling/dance/karate/club events, for example? Yes, this can happen. You may not find an auction available for three weeks, then all of a sudden you find four auctions in your travel area that are all in the same week! Worse yet, on the same day! Even worse, two are at the same time! Here is a plan for dealing with this type of situation.
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Two Auctions
Research Each Sale To Decide When Two Auctions Are The Same Day
Related: How Do You Find Storage Auctions? (Research)
In the above related article, it tells you how to research and find storage auctions. This information can help you to have an idea of which sales you would rather go to based on what you found out. But what if there are a lot of units that you couldn't find any information on? What if there is treasure in both?
Consider How Many Lockers Are Up For Auction
Now count how many units are at each sale. Keep in mind that after people have their name, address, unit number and stuff listed in the paper, they pay up quick! You may see the 12 listed in the paper go down to 4 on sale day. So if you go to the sale that has more, you should be able to have a few more to bid on. Sometimes we like to go to both, if we can, because other storage auction bidders like ourselves use this same strategy. If no one is at the sale with the least units up for auction, it is to our advantage. With some storage unit companies, we can bid $1 and win it, if we are the only one there.
Can You Attend Both Storage Auctions?
Is there any way of attending both? We have seen another bidder, like ourselves, have a Father or Son attend auctions in their place; and if the auctioneer allows the time, call on the cell phone to see if they want to bid higher. The person bidding signs the paperwork, pays and is responsible, so keep that in mind if you bid for someone else, you may end up cleaning out the locker to save your reputation for future bidding.
Which Storage Auction Is Closest To Your Home?
I would look at proximity next and choose the closest if you are planning to clean out the locker and not rent it for additional time. It will save you fuel (or haul rent and fuel) and time so you can get more done in a day.
Think About Where The Storage Unit Is Located
Look at the neighborhood and safety. Is this auction in a bad part of town and will the auction be held close to dark and do they want you to clean it out immediately? It takes some time to empty a unit, it's like moving. Is one of the sales in a safer place? Also, does the storage facility have a fence with a gate that only renters can have access to? We prefer those, but there are very few in our area.
Experience Helps
How was your past experience at this location? Did you find that the items were clean (no mice, mold or dust) in the past? Did you find that clients that rent here store more expensive items? Or has there been a lot of garbage in the past?
What Is Your Budget?
If you don't have as large of a budget to buy units, go to the sale that has the lesser amount of units; because not as many other buyers will be in attendance, and you have a better chance of getting it for a lower price.
Find Out The Rental Cost
What does the storage unit business charge for rent at each location? If you find that for the same size unit, let's say a 10′ by 10′, one is renting at $120 per month and the other is $70 per month, wouldn't you rather attend the higher rent auction? It is possible the items may be better inside.
An Example Of Making It To Both Sales
Here is a past example of how this works for our large family: We try and make it to both because of the great advantage of the possibility of getting a unit for $1. Try to follow me, it gets interesting!
Responsible 16 year old child (still in driving school, so no license yet) with his cell phone and 12 year old child have been dropped off at bowling on time. Dad is at the smaller auction alone. Mom, 14 year old child and baby in the front carrier are at the larger auction, which is a caravan auction. See here for more information on that type of auction. Responsible 18 year old child is at home with 5 and 6 year olds. Dad's auction will be over quick, he will lock it/them up and call Mom to see where the caravan is at and join Mom at the larger auction. Mom and baby join boys at bowling. Dad and the 14 year old finish the larger auction. With our large family, we can be in four places at one time!
Learn all about the abandoned storage auction resale business in our book.
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