My family, friends, and readers will tell you that I am already busy enough with my blog, Etsy shop, eBay store, homeschooling, auction resale, raising 8 kids (well, 3 are adults) and being a homemaker. Do I really have time for ONE MORE BUSINESS? This article will explain why I decided to become an essential oils seller.
Note: Some links in this post are affiliate links, which means I receive a commission if you make a purchase. Affiliate relationships include, but are not limited to, Amazon Associates, Walmart.com, and Etsy.
Multiple Income Streams Are The Key To Making Money
I love to read motivational business related books to keep me pumped up so I can do my part to provide for our large family's needs. Within the month before I signed up to sell essential oils, we needed more money to buy a second vehicle as we did not all fit in ours. We were determined to pay cash for our next vehicle, I had been reading the following books…
Work From Home by Caroline Vencil
Money Making Mom by Crystal Paine
In reading them, they both mentioned how important it is to have more than one income stream. Many, if possible! I agree. Any one stream of money may not do well in certain seasons. Blogging slows down in the summer, for example, as people are busy on vacation, etc. and not online.
I like to keep my multiple income streams related as well. For example, my blogs are both related to home, homemade, etc. My eBay store and Etsy shops sell home items, some homemade. Auction resale is a business our family does together at home and we resell many home items. These businesses are all related to home.
Timing Is Everything When Selling Essential Oils
So, when my 60th (maybe not 60 exactly, but around there) friend called to ask me about being an essential oils seller, my ears perked up THIS TIME. It could be another income stream. And, I already make and sell reusable cotton rounds and tell people how to make them. I myself use a homemade recipe with essential oils as facial cleanser. Essential oils are definitely needed in the home! My business name that covers all of my businesses is NeededInTheHome. It is really a perfect fit!
My friends have been asking me about selling essential oils for four years! Most of them know I use oils and have a college degree in Marketing. They knew I would be successful before I did. It took me longer to realize it! If you are talking to someone about becoming an essential oils representative because you just know it would be a good fit for them – KEEP AT IT! Don't give up or be discouraged. Invite them again a few months down the road. Something may have changed in their life where they are now ready to listen.
Already Using Essential Oils In The Home
I use essential oils because I am all about saving money and staying out of the hospital! I like to use essential oils to make my own whenever possible.
Just a few ways we save money with essential oils:
- on dryer balls instead of fabric softener or dryer sheets
- in sprayer bottles as room air fresheners, bug sprays, breath sprays, household cleaners, baby wash along with reusable cloth wipes
- in cleaning, toner and moisturizing recipes for facial cleaning with reusable cotton rounds
- many more!
So basically, I won't be doing anything new under the sun! I can buy the product at a discount now AND continue to talk to my friends and readers about how I use them. I am now meeting NEW essential oils friends and assisting them when I can through email. I can still do this business from my home with my blog. I could even create products using essential oils, such as bars of handmade soap and sell them on Etsy. If you already use essential oils, you can sign up as a seller right away because you have something to talk about. Plus you can get a 24% discount on product purchases as a Brand Partner.
Brand Partners don't HAVE TO sell
You can be a Brand Partner, get the discount and never sell a thing! You will probably accidentally sell it if you love it and tell someone how it has helped you though! It's also okay if you don't want to make a purchase every month. If you have a smaller family than my family of ten, you may only need to order every other month. You do need to make a purchase in a month you would like to be paid commissions for so watch for that.
Why Start as a Young Living Essential Oils Seller (AKA “Brand Partner”)
There are so many reasons, but here’s a few:
- Help others lead a more natural, healthy lifestyle and keep them out of the clinics and hospitals to save them money
- Low-cost investment (Under $30 to become a Brand Partner – that’s all you need to get started, I just added it with my order of discounted oils)
- Be your own boss
- No employees
- No inventory
- No shipping that you have to do
- No required monthly minimums
- No pressure to make quotas or sales
- Earn a residual income
- Ideal for stay-at-home parents (like me)
- Ideal for health and wellness professionals who want to expand their customer base (fitness trainers, gym owners, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, holistic nutritionists, health coaches, etc.)
- Qualify for company retreats and travel opportunities (you don't HAVE to go though)
- Work at your own pace
- Set your own hours
- the discount of course!
What you get in a Young Living Business Essentials Kit
By ordering an essential oils Premium Starter Kit, you’ll get:
- 90-day MyYL trial ($29.85): a business website for sharing YL
- online RISE booklet: a step-by-step guide with tips, training videos, and worksheets
- online RISE 90-day planner: a planning calendar for setting and tracking your business goals
- online RISE to Royal brochure: a guide through the perks that await you at every rank within YL
- online YL Insights card: a snapshot of how YL Insights can help you manage your business
- online Silver Bound flyer: a road map for structuring your team for success
- online 90-day plan: an organized to do list booklet to help you build your business website and share YL, if you want to
How To Purchase
- Go to https://neededinthehome.com/amyyl. (this puts my seller number #19539051 Amy Marohl on your purchase. Thank you for supporting my home business and large family of ten. We appreciate you!)
- In search box, search “KIT” (usually the best deals) and highlight the desired kit or select any products you would like and add them to your cart.
- Click CREATE LOYALTY ORDER (This gives you points to spend on YL products, plus a FREE DIFFUSER after the second month. You can cancel at any time).
- Click out of the shopping cart to search again for an additional desired product and ADD TO CART.
- Repeat Step 4 until you have all the items you want.
- Click VIEW CART, Add Promo Code SHAREYL to get 10% or more discount on first purchase with 50 PV or more (limited time offer – may have expired by the time you read this, so double check that it applied). If you order 100 PV or more of product and it is your first purchase, you will receive a 24% discount PLUS the SHAREYL discount. Nice!
- Make sure it is a Loyalty Order (read loyalty rewards below) and check out with your products. Once you've placed your first loyalty order, you can manage your monthly shipment on the loyalty order page in your account.
- Go to your email, and open your “Order Place Successfully” email, that confirms your email (if email not opened, it's not confirmed – nothing ships to avoid bots).
Loyalty Rewards – When you enroll in Young Living's Loyalty Rewards program, you unlock a 24 percent discount on every future purchase, so you need this to get the 24% off on future orders.
- COLLECT LOYALTY POINTS – Every month you place a 50+ PV (point value) loyalty order, you earn loyalty points that can be spent like store credit! Plus, the longer you place consecutive 50+ PV loyalty orders, the more points you earn!
- EARN LOYALTY GIFTS – You earn a free gift every three months for the first year, and an exclusive gift every 12 months.
- PLUS you'll get a free Desert Mist Diffuser with your 2nd loyalty order placed at 50+ PV (retail value $39.41)!
Join Young Living
- Shop Products You Love
To become a Brand Partner, you must first become a customer. You will purchase your products first through completion. Click on the Shop or Young Living logo to purchase products. If this is your first order with YL and your order is 50 PV or more, use the code SHAREYL at checkout to receive a special savings. I highly recommend you order the Make a Shift Kit I mentioned in this blog post. It's a great deal even before the discount!
- Read about “The Business Essentials Kit” and Add to Cart
Read about what is included in the kit and at the bottom, click ADD TO CART.
- Complete The Necessary Information
Complete all of the necessary information. You are on your way to becoming a brand partner.
- Go to cart and order more products
Click VIEW CART to be sure your Brand Partner Membership is there.
- Review details and check out
Click CHECKOUT and enter your contact information. Be sure it says that I referred you – Amy Marohl, Sponsor & Enroller #19539051, click CONTINUE. Be sure to sign up for a loyalty order when you check out so you can continue receiving great products from YL every month. Enter your shipping address and click CONTINUE. Choose your shipping method and click CONTINUE. Shipping and tax will be added. Type in payment details and click CONTINUE.
- Agree and Confirm
Read “terms and conditions” and “become a brand partner” and click all three boxes if you agree and confirm.
- Submit your order
Click SUBMIT ORDER to finish. You will see a confirmation page with your order number.
- Go to your email about Account Creation
Open your email about Account Creation and click SET PASSWORD.
- Set your Password and Sign In
Choose a password and write it again, then click the choice that signs you in.
- Referral ID Search Tool
I prefer to enable people to find me by name in case they don't remember my enroller number and I suggest that you do as well, so click YES and SAVE SELECTION.
- Read Compensation Plan
Read through all the details in the compensation plan and click AGREE. You have completed the registration process. Now follow these next steps.
- Learn what to do
When you are signed in to your account, click VIRTUAL OFFICE, then click MEMBER RESOURCES, then under Getting Started, click Brand Partner Onboarding Training. Complete the Live, Share & Grown Training to understand what to do.
- Set Up Direct Deposit
In your VIRTUAL OFFICE, click MEMBER RESOURCES, then under COMMISSION PAYMENTS, select YL PAY PORTAL – from there you will learn everything you need to know to receive payments from Young Living.
- Find Your Custom Referral Link
Find it under MY ACCOUNT and then SHAREYL. Save it in your phone so it is easily accessible.
- Start Sharing Young Living Products
Start sharing your own personal experiences with using Young Living products along with your share link. When someone makes a purchase with your referral link and you have registered as a Brand Partner, you can receive commissions. Welcome to the Young Living Brand Partner family!
When you sign up as a member, you have the option of joining our private group(s) on Facebook. In one group you learn how to use oils. In the other group, you learn about selling oils. Each group is very educational and inspiring. You do not HAVE TO sell in person or to anyone you know. Many sellers, like me, do everything from their home – through blogs, social media or email. When you sign up with my code, just email me at amyjmarohl@gmail.com (with NEW YL ORDER in the subject line). In your note to me, tell me your order number (which you will find in your email receipt after purchase) and let me know if you want to be in the Informational or Business Facebook group or BOTH.
No pressure here! No matter what, I want to offer you the chance to receive emailed recipes once a week from me. If you are interested, just fill out the email address form below.
What if I just want an oil or two and not the entire kit?
That is not a problem! You can look at the website, add whatever you want to your cart and just check out as retail. When you add an item to your cart and go to checkout, you will be brought to the screen asking you if you would like to start as a Wholesale Member or as Retail. Below that will be a place to enter a sponsor and en-roller ID. I would love to be your sponsor. My member ID is 19539051. You simply enter that in both boxes. For even more details, read my article…
How do I find my seller ID number?
It will be on your emailed receipt next to the words “Member Number”. Also, when you go to the YL website, it will be under My Organization. This is the number you will share with others when they want to sign up to get the discounts or become a seller.
Why Young Living?
It is true that when I signed up, I had more friends selling a competitor brand than Young Living. So if I was “going with the crowd” or “trying to keep more friends” I probably should have signed up with that one right? Well, because of my past trouble with kidney stones, I wanted an option that I know I can safely ingest. You may want to talk to your doctor before trying anything. YL has an unmatched Seed to Seal process that guarantees the purity & potency of every oil. Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability & they are so confident in their products that you can actually visit the farms & participate in the harvest/distillation process. They have nothing to hide! And I have nothing to worry about!
How do I learn how to use my kit?
Your kit will come with lots of reading material! But, as mentioned above, you’ll get access to our exclusive facebook community full of amazing resources and if you don't see your question listed there, you can ask it! Also, when you sign in to your account and select VIRTUAL OFFICE, there are hours and hours of product education to consume if you are interested, but it is not required.
ORDER HERE and select the button that says ”I was referred by a member…” then make sure the number 19539051 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields.
Disclaimer: Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.
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